You had gone before//Te hubieras ido antes - Ricardo Montaner Cover Song by@kelvincentenor


Hola querida familia de la colmena que bonita mañana iluminada por este agradable sol, aquí les traigo este tema grandioso del cantante y maestro de la música Ricardo montanter me encantan sus canciones, y esta canción tiene por nombre "Te hubieras ido antes" es un hermoso tema, yo espero a ustedes les pueda ser de su agrado mi humilde interpretación, ya que tengo gripe, pero no me impidió para traerles esta humilde presentación.


Hello dear family of the beehive, what a beautiful morning illuminated by this pleasant sun, here I bring you this great song by the singer and music teacher Ricardo montanter I love his songs, and this song has the name "You would have gone before" is a beautiful subject, I hope you may like my humble interpretation, since I have the flu, but it did not prevent me from bringing you this humble presentation.

Ricardo Montaner

Te hubieras ido antes

No existe amor perfecto y empiezo
A pensar que eso del amor es una fantasía
Y no me la creo, que tú ya no te acuerdes
De todas las veces que te hice mía
Y todavía me exiges, que olvide tu sonrisa
Y borre de mi mente, todas tus caricias
Me subes hasta el cielo y luego caigo al suelo
Por que tú te vas, cuando más te quería
Te hubieras ido antes, porque no te marchaste
Cuando aún no eras tan indispensable
Me pides que te olvide, cuando hiciste todo
Para enamorarme, a que estabas jugando
Dime por qué diablos me obligaste amarte
Y luego te alejaste
Te hubieras ido antes, no creo que merezca
Que mi corazón tires a la basura
Me suena tan ilógico que ahora
Me digas que no fue tu culpa
Si no te interesaba, para que me besabas
Con tanta dulzura y con tanta ternura
Te hubieras ido antes
Y así yo no tendría
Estas ganas de rogarte
Y todavía me exiges, que olvide tu sonrisa
Y borre de mi mente todas tus caricias
Me subes hasta el cielo y luego caigo al suelo
Por que tú te vas, cuando más te quería
Te hubieras ido antes, porque no te marchaste
Cuando aún no eras tan indispensable
Me pides que te olvide, cuando hiciste todo
Para enamorarme, a que estabas jugando
Dime por qué diablos me obligaste amarte
Y luego te alejaste
Te hubieras ido antes, no creo que merezca
Que mi corazón tires a la basura
Me suena tan ilógico que ahora
Me digas que no fue tu culpa
Si no te interesaba, para que me besabas
Con tanta dulzura y con tanta ternura
Te hubieras ido antes
Y así ya no tendría
Estas ganas de rogarte
Estas ganas de rogarte
Te hubieras ido antes, no creo que merezca
Que mi corazón tires a la basura
Me suena tan ilógico que ahora
Me digas que no fue tu culpa
Si no te interesaba, para que me besabas
Con tanta dulzura y con tanta ternura
Te hubieras ido antes
Y así ya no tendría
Estas ganas de rogarte

Ricardo Montaner

you had gone before

There is no perfect love and I start
To think that love is a fantasy
And I do not believe it, that you no longer remember
Of all the times that I made you mine
And you still demand that I forget your smile
And erase from my mind, all your caresses
You lift me up to the sky and then I fall to the ground
Because you leave, when I loved you the most
You would have left before, because you didn't leave
When you weren't so indispensable yet
You ask me to forget you, when you did everything
To fall in love, what were you playing at
Tell me why the hell did you make me love you
And then you walked away
You would have gone before, I don't think I deserve
That my heart throw away
It sounds so illogical to me that now
Tell me it wasn't your fault
If you weren't interested, why were you kissing me
With so much sweetness and with so much tenderness
You had gone before
And so I would not have
You want to beg you
And you still demand that I forget your smile
And erase all your caresses from my mind
You lift me up to the sky and then I fall to the ground
Because you leave, when I loved you the most
You would have left before, because you didn't leave
When you weren't so indispensable yet
You ask me to forget you, when you did everything
To fall in love, what were you playing at
Tell me why the hell did you make me love you
And then you walked away
You would have gone before, I don't think I deserve
That my heart throw away
It sounds so illogical to me that now
Tell me it wasn't your fault
If you weren't interested, why were you kissing me
With so much sweetness and with so much tenderness
You had gone before
And so I would no longer have
You want to beg you
You want to beg you
You would have gone before, I don't think I deserve
That my heart throw away
It sounds so illogical to me that now
Tell me it wasn't your fault
If you weren't interested, why were you kissing me
With so much sweetness and with so much tenderness
You had gone before
And so I would no longer have
You want to beg you


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