Euphorbia flowers

Hello everyone good evening wherever you are, how are you tonight? Hope you are fine wherever you are.

I'm back here again and on this occasion I want to show you some beautiful shots of euphorbia flowers. Euphorbia flowers are one of the most popular ornamental plants today. Its uniqueness makes this plant popular throughout time. Its unique location is found in the stem, namely the entire stem is covered with sharp spines. Extraordinary personal protective equipment, which other plants rarely have or even don't have at all.

Apart from the unique stems, the shape and color of the flowers are no less interesting. The flower is shaped like the number eight, sometimes some even call this flower the flower of the eight gods, this is all because the shape of the flower resembles the number eight. The size of the flowers is small, on one stalk there are several flower buds collected there. On one stalk there are more than two flowers, but sometimes there are also one or two flowers. Most have more than two flowers.

Euphorbia plants also have very thick sap, the color is white, like condensed milk. And the sap is dangerous. If the sap gets on the skin, we will feel itching. Even so, this plant is still popular today. My advice is that if you want to cultivate this plant, choose an area that is free from the reach of children. Because in this plant there are two dangerous things, namely sharp thorns and sap.

Now let's look together at some beautiful shots of this euphorbia flower that I have prepared below👇

Camera usedrealme 7 Pro
LocationAceh, Indonesia
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