Importance of Skilled Person

Any work requires skill, no work should be done without skill. Many may think that if we don't do it, how can we understand that thing, but this is also true, but you should try to learn that thing from someone first, then go and do that work. If you show effort then surely you will get better understanding.


Hello friends how are you all I hope everyone is well and healthy I am very well and healthy friends as usual today I am here again with another new block the main topic of today's block is skill I will try to tell you something about this subject.

Of course skills are important If skills were not important then there would be no demand for skills or skilled people in any job Anywhere you go for any job you will be asked immediately if you are good at any job your teaching qualification As much as there is, we will try to do what we can, not try to know what we don't know, and not try to do that quickly.

Like suppose I am a carpenter if you ask me to build a house but I can't because I can make furniture because the person who has the personality for the job should do the job I will respect in any case because he works hard and then at this stage Of course, his talent and hard work are all talking today, maybe he is older than your age and some may be younger, so we will never disrespect him.

As the teacher teaches us, the teacher must have the skills to teach, otherwise why should he teach among us, we become educated in that education and benefit the country and the nation.

If there are any mistakes in my writing, please forgive me and look at it with a beautiful eye. Everyone will be fine, stay healthy, pray for me

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