El Vampiro Energético (Esp/ Eng)

Fuente/ Source


Mirian, siempre había sido una chica muy intuitiva, sensible a las emociones de los demás, percibía tanto lo bueno, como lo malo de las personas, era difícil el poder engañarla acerca de alguna persona, pues ella al mirarla, detallarla, sentir su energía, ese no se que, que ella misma a veces no sabia como explicar, bien te podía decir, esa persona no me gusta, es turbia, como te podía decir esta persona es buena, es de confiar.

Pareciera, que hubiese sido entrenada para percibir la espiritualidad, la esencia de las personas..., pero así como también era para esto, también podía sentir, otro tipos de presencias en ciertos lugares o cerca de ella. Cuando estaba en uno de estos lugares o llegaba, podía sentir por decirlo de alguna manera, el "aura" del lugar, si el ambiente era cálido o en su defecto era un ambiente pesado.

Incluso había llegado a ver sombras y otro tipos de fenómenos que le avisaban, que lo que sentía estaba manifestándose de alguna manera, a su alrededor se caían cosas sin explicación o se cerraban puertas sin mas, ella siempre trataba de ignorar y no darle fuerzas a aquello. Pues, a pesar de ser tan sensible a esto, no era persona que le gustara, tentar otras "artes" u otras religiones donde pudiera desarrollar estos dones lo de ella era, Dios.

Así, que buscaba siempre de "espantar" estas cosas en su nombre, sin mayores miramientos, claro las que percibía que no eran buenas. Entre una cosa y otra, Mirian llevaba su vida, . Pero de repente empezó a tener unos extraños sueños, donde siempre la perseguían, no lograba ver que era, ni el rostro ni si era hombre o mujer, lo que era que, siempre se levantaba con esas sensaciones extrañas, como si estuviera siendo vigilada, asechada, no descansaba bien, se levantaba ojerosa, lenta, no se explicaba que le ocurría.

Pasaron varios dias así, en que se levantaba como si no hubiera descansado para nada, ya esto se estaba empezando a notar en su organismo, esto la estaba desgastando física y mentalmente. Una noche, se acostó y se encomendó al Santísimo como siempre, pero esta vez, pidiéndole mas detalladamente protección, que le permitiera ver lo que fuera y así se quedó dormida. Cuando de repente, sintió como algo se subía a su cama muy delicadamente, Mirian se quedó quieta a ver que acontecía, como si siguiera durmiendo.

Pero ella se había despertado en el acto, pues ya estaba alerta ante estos extraños eventos y quería saber que le estaba ocurriendo, entonces fingió seguir dormida. Lo que fuera, iba muy lentamente subiendo como al lado de ella, como observándola, Mirian podía sentirlo, pero cuando intentó tocarla, ella no pudo soportarlo y abrió los ojos en el acto y de una vez se sentó en la cama. Podía jurar que había alguien allí con ella, lo percibía, pero no lo podía ver, lo que era, se había retirado de ella de una vez, al ver que ella reacciono y se levantó.

Esto alertó a Mirian, sabía que algo la estaba asediando, pero ¿Qué podía ser esto? lo que sabia era que esto, al parecer, le estaba minando las energías no la estaba dejando descansar y que se aprovechaba de ella cuando esta caía en el sueño profundo, pero lo que no sabia, era con que propósito en realidad, solo sentía los efectos al otro día, esto le decia que debía estar alerta. Pasaron unos dias, donde todo aparentemente volvió a la normalidad.

Fuente/ Source

Mas sin embargo, había momentos en que Miriam se encontraba haciendo cualquier labor y de repente se detenía porque se sentía observada, como si la estuvieran asediando, la presencia era tan fuerte, que en ocasiones volteaba de golpe, para ver si lograba captar lo que fuera, esto le sucedía mas cuando se encontraba sola, era algo que ya la tenia nerviosa, incluso estaba llegando a pensar, si se estaba volviendo algo loca, porque ya esto era el extremo a lo que ella le había tocado vivir en cuanto a estas manifestaciones.

Una noche, se fue a acostar confiada, ya habían pasado varios dias y todo estaba normal, ya pensaba que a lo mejor fue algo pasajero y se relajó y se durmió, mas sin embargo por si o por no, igualmente pidió protección al Sr. y a su San Miguel Arcángel, defensor de Dios y de los humanos ante estas entidades. Entró en un sueño sumamente pesado, se sentía como si no pudiera moverse del sueño, apenas si podía moverse, aunque extrañamente estaba consciente de todo a su alrededor, estaba en ese momento en que el sueño te lleva como a lo mas profundo y en ese en que aun estas todavía despierto apenas, diríamos entre dormida y despierta.

Ya estaba mas dormida que despierta, cuando sintió que alguien estaba a su lado y la observaba, como cerciorándose de si en verdad dormía. Mirian, de inmediato se alertó pero, no abrió sus ojos pero podía sentir la energía que este ser emanaba, era como de espera y a la vez como de premura, como queriendo obtener algo de ella...Mirian, trató de que esta cosa no notara su estado de alerta, pues estaba segura, que de así como ella la percibía su estado de impaciencia, su aura que era oscura, esta también la intuía a ella, así que trato de relajarse y esperar.

Tenia que saber, que buscaba este ser, cuando de repente no sabe como, pero ella pudo ver esta cosa en espíritu, pudo esta vez verla a pesar de que tenia sus ojos cerrados, Dios le estaba permitiendo ver lo que era aquel horrible ser, pudo ver que era una fea criatura, era como una mujer muy delgada, en los huesos, estaba desnuda, en su rostro no habían cuencas oculares normales y su rostro tenia una expresión de maldad y de impaciencia, sus manos huesudas iban acompañadas de unas garras, no eran uñas y su pelo estaba echado como hacia atrás.

Mirian, se quedó mirando a esta cosa que estaba al lado de ella, pendiente de sus reacciones, pero al parecer, ese ser no la había percibido a ella, que la estaba mirando y detallando todo lo que estaba en su cuarto, pues ella misma no podía creer todo aquello. En ese instante, Mirian en su cuerpo se movió apenas imperceptiblemente y esta cosa trato de acomodarse mejor al lado de ella, Mirian estaba de frente completamente relajada, cuando esta cosa, coloco sus manos huesudas en su vientre cerca de su ombligo y acercó su boca a este, en ese momento Mirian sintió como si le absorbieran algo por allí y de una vez volvió a su cuerpo.

Ya en su cuerpo, Mirian se movió bruscamente y este ser estaba pegado a su ombligo, con las manos fuertemente asidas a su vientre. En ese momento Mirian clamo a Dios y le pidió su intervención. Pudo colocar sus propias manos entre la boca de aquello y su ombligo y pudo empujarla de modo tangible, lo que fue, se retiró bruscamente, extrañada de que ella hubiera podido reaccionar y defenderse, desapareció en el acto y de una vez Mirian se levantó y se sentó en su cama aun con los manos cubriendo su ombligo, mirando para todos lados, completamente despierta , asustada por lo que había visto y sentido.

Desde ese momento, supo el porque de su cansancio, de su falta de energía, su pesadez y que incluso le estaba costando hacer las actividades mas simples, era como si alguien le hubiese estado absorbiendo su energía vital. Aquel ser, era como un Vampiro energético, pero de la oscuridad. Ya sabiendo lo que era, buscó la manera de protegerse, cada noche sin falta, se reviste ella y su ángel de la guarda, con la armadura del Señor, pide su protección divina, con una oración especifica y hasta ahora aquello se ha mantenido alejado, pues sabe que ya ella la puede ver y sabe como defenderse, que mientras la luz divina este con Mirian, su oscuridad se mantendrá lejos, en su mundo.

Fuente/ Source


Mirian had always been a very intuitive girl, sensitive to the emotions of others, she perceived both the good and the bad in people, it was difficult to deceive her about a person, because she could look at them, detail them, feel their energy, that I don't know what, that she herself sometimes did not know how to explain, she could tell you, I don't like that person, she is shady, or she could tell you this person is good, she is trustworthy.

It seemed that she had been trained to perceive spirituality, the essence of people..., but just as she was for this, she could also feel other types of presences in certain places or near her. When she was in one of these places or arrived, she could feel, so to speak, the "aura" of the place, if the atmosphere was warm or if it was a heavy atmosphere.

She had even seen shadows and other types of phenomena that warned her that what she felt was manifesting in some way, around her things fell without explanation or doors closed without further explanation, she always tried to ignore and not give strength to that. For, in spite of being so sensitive to this, she was not a person who liked to tempt other "arts" or other religions where she could develop these gifts, her gift was God.

So, she always sought to "scare away" these things in his name, without further consideration, of course, those that she perceived were not good. Between one thing and another, Mirian went on with her life. But suddenly she began to have strange dreams, where she was always being chased, she could not see what it was, neither the face nor if it was a man or a woman, but she always woke up with these strange sensations, as if she was being watched, stalked, she did not rest well, she got up haggard, slow, she could not explain what was happening to her.

Several days went by like this, she woke up as if she had not rested at all, this was beginning to show in her organism, this was wearing her out physically and mentally. One night, she went to bed and prayed to the Blessed Sacrament as usual, but this time, asking for more detailed protection, to allow her to see whatever it was, and so she fell asleep. When suddenly, she felt something climb onto her bed very delicately, Mirian lay still to see what was happening, as if she were still sleeping.

But she had woken up on the spot, because she was already alert to these strange events and wanted to know what was happening to her, so she pretended to remain asleep. Whatever it was, it was very slowly creeping up as if beside her, as if watching her, Mirian could feel it, but when it tried to touch her, she could not stand it and opened her eyes on the spot and all at once sat up in bed. She could swear there was someone there with her, she could sense it, but she couldn't see it, what it was, had withdrawn from her all at once, seeing that she reacted and got up.

This alerted Mirian, she knew that something was besieging her, but what could it be? What she knew was that it was apparently sapping her energies, not letting her rest and that it was taking advantage of her when she fell into deep sleep, but what she did not know, was with what purpose in reality, she only felt the effects the next day, this told her that she had to be alert. A few days passed, where everything apparently returned to normal.

But nevertheless, there were times when Miriam was doing any work and suddenly stopped because she felt watched, as if they were besieging her, the presence was so strong, that sometimes she turned suddenly, to see if she could catch whatever it was, this happened more when she was alone, it was something that already had her nervous, she was even thinking, if she was going crazy, because this was already the extreme to what she had to live in terms of these manifestations.

One night, she went to bed confident, several days had already passed and everything was normal, she thought that maybe it was something temporary and she relaxed and went to sleep, but nevertheless, whether or not, she still asked for protection to the Lord and to her Saint Michael the Archangel, defender of God and of the humans before these entities. She went into a very heavy sleep, she felt as if she could not move from sleep, she could barely move, although strangely she was aware of everything around her, she was in that moment in which sleep takes you to the deepest and in that moment in which you are still awake, we would say between asleep and awake.

She was already more asleep than awake, when she felt that someone was beside her and watching her, as if checking if she was really sleeping. Mirian, immediately became alert but, she did not open her eyes but she could feel the energy that this being emanated, it was like waiting and at the same time like hurry, like wanting to get something from her...Mirian, tried not to let this thing notice her state of alertness, because she was sure, that just as she perceived its state of impatience, its aura that was dark, this also sensed her, so she tried to relax and wait.

She had to know what this being was looking for, when suddenly she did not know how, but she could see this thing in spirit, this time she could see it even though she had her eyes closed, God was allowing her to see what that horrible being was, she could see that it was an ugly creature, It was like a very thin woman, in the bones, she was naked, in her face there were no normal eye sockets and her face had an expression of evil and impatience, her bony hands were accompanied by claws, they were not nails and her hair was thrown backwards.

Mirian, stared at this thing that was next to her, waiting for her reactions, but apparently, that being had not perceived her, who was looking at her and detailing everything that was in her room, because she herself could not believe all that. At that moment, Mirian in her body moved just imperceptibly and this thing tried to accommodate itself better next to her, Mirian was completely relaxed, when this thing placed its bony hands on her belly near her navel and approached her mouth to it, at that moment Mirian felt as if something was absorbed there and at once she returned to her body.

Already in her body, Mirian moved abruptly and this being was attached to her navel, with his hands tightly gripped to her belly. At that moment Mirian cried out to God and asked for his intervention. She was able to place her own hands between its mouth and her navel and was able to push it in a tangible way, which was, it withdrew abruptly, surprised that she had been able to react and defend herself, disappeared on the spot and at once Mirian got up and sat on her bed still with her hands covering her navel, looking everywhere, completely awake, frightened by what she had seen and felt.

From that moment on, she knew the reason for her tiredness, her lack of energy, her heaviness and that it was even difficult for her to do the simplest activities, it was as if someone had been absorbing her vital energy. That being was like an energetic Vampire, but of darkness. Knowing what it was, she looked for a way to protect herself, every night without fail, she dresses herself and her guardian angel, with the armor of the Lord, asks for divine protection, with a specific prayer and so far that has stayed away, because she knows that she can see it and knows how to defend herself, that while the divine light is with Mirian, her darkness will stay away, in her world.

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Separadores/ Separators @eve66


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