🍓 {16/08/24} ✦ "Échame el Cuento": My doll needs a bed! 🎎 💤 ✦ 🇪🇸 │ 🇺🇸


✦ For this post I wanted to draw something lovely to go with this memory - Collage & Edition in FotoJet, photos by @Tesmoforia

🇪🇸 ~ Esta semana estoy descubriendo iniciativas en Hive (gracias a Irene y todos los gentiles usuarios que rebbloguean) con temas cotidianos bastante humanos, pero para nada aburridos.

En Hive puedes estar por varias razones pero la mayoría estaremos de acuerdo en que las razones tienden a ser catárticas, artísticas o propiamente dentro del nicho de creador de contenido.

Tanto aqui como en el stage bajo las luces y desde hace muchos años, me encanta cuando se presenta la oportunidad de conocer ese lado mas humano, cotidiano, de las personas que sigues y admiras.

Los espacios en internet han cambiado mucho y me siento terriblemente nostálgica cuando pienso en cómo interactuábamos antes por ejemplo, en foros de internet, cómo hacías amigos antes en la distancia pero claro, ya no tenemos 14 y muchos foros y fandoms se han diluido con el paso del tiempo (actualmente Discord es una maravilla pero soy un adulto y como tal, no lo se, no me siento comoda del todo en espacios con muchas personas mucho más jóvenes, prefiero los servers privados con mis amigos mas contemporáneos y mis roles y Au´s con mi partner de toda la vida).

Así que es lindo y refrescante encontrarte con esta iniciativa sobre compartir una anécdota inocente de la infancia. Ya he leído varias que me gustaron bastante, e invito a participar a: @karoly, @misticogama y @liyuxiexie ☕ 🍰

🇺🇸 ~ This week I'm discovering initiatives on Hive (thanks to Irene and all the kind users who reblog) with very human, but not at all boring, everyday topics.

On Hive you can be for various reasons but most of us will agree that the reasons tend to be cathartic, artistic or properly within the content creator niche.

Both here and on stage under the lights and for many years now, I love it when the opportunity arises to get to know that more human, everyday side of the people you follow and admire.

The spaces on the internet have changed a lot and I feel terribly nostalgic when I think about how we interacted before for example, in internet forums, how you made friends before in the distance but of course, we no longer have 14 and many forums and fandoms have been diluted with the passage of time (currently Discord is a wonder but I am an adult and as such, I do not know, I do not feel comfortable at all in spaces with many much younger people, I prefer private servers with my more contemporary friends and my roles and Au's with my lifelong partner).

So it's nice and refreshing to come across this initiative about sharing an innocent childhood anecdote. I've already read several that I quite liked, and I invite to participate to: @karoly, @misticogama and @liyuxiexie ☕ 🍰

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✦ 1 - 2 - 3 ✦

Cuando pienso en una anécdota interesante de mi infancia que tenga que ver con inocencia inmediatamente pienso en mis muñecas. Tenía de distintos tipos pero mis favoritas siempre fueron "las de trapo", mi mamá y mi abuela me regalaban las Barbies (o las Kelly) que salían en la Televisión pero yo nunca las ame tanto como a mis muñecas de trapo, que al tacto eran muy diferentes, de bordes redondeados, mas gentiles, con sus bonitos vestidos de tela, su cabello de lana trenzado y su peso reconfortante.

When I think of an interesting anecdote from my childhood that has to do with innocence I immediately think of my dolls, I had different kinds but my favorites were always the “rag dolls”, my mother and grandmother would give me the Barbies (or Kellys) that were on TV but I never loved them as much as my rag dolls, which were very different to the touch, with rounded edges, more gentle, with their pretty cloth dresses, their braided wool hair and their comforting weight. I had a lot of different dolls but I never loved them as much as my rag dolls, which to the touch were very different, rounded edges, more gentle, with their pretty cloth dresses, their braided wool hair and their comforting weight.


✦ I made a quick sketch of a rag doll more or less similar to the ones I had when I was a child, I used a normal fine tip marker to outline everything ✦

Siempre fui una niña muy curiosa que quería hacer y aprender de todo, especialmente si se trataba de manualidades; mi mamá creo encontró en eso algo para mantenerme ocupada, y era "que mis muñecas necesitaban un lugar donde dormir", oh, y eso desencadeno una larga lista de pequeñas aventuras, porque me lo tomé muy enserio.

Esta fue la cadena de pensamientos que recuerdo tuve por las cosas que me decía mi mamá: Si mis muñecas necesitaban una cama era porque necesitaban descansar, entonces también necesitaban almohadas para que no les doliera el cuello, ¡y por supuesto que también necesitaban sabanas y cobijas para no sentir frio por la noche!.

En ese entonces, calculo tendría entre 5 y 7 años, a mi ya me gustaba coser y de verdad creía que mis muñecas tenían sentimientos, que necesitaban dormir, ser limpiadas, peinadas y cuidadas como una persona de verdad, que tenia que hablarles dulcemente y nunca dejarlas caer al suelo porque obviamente les dolería y podrían lastimarse.

En aquel entonces, termine haciendo camas y cunas con las cajas de zapatos o estuches que lograba convencer a mi abuelita que me regalara, les habría espacios para simular las tablas de madera de una cuna (tengo recuerdos de mi abuelita quejándose porque ya no tenia cajas donde guardar sus zapatos, porque yo las agarraba todas para mis muñecas o para hacer piñatas).

Con fieltro y retazos de tela hice mini colchones, cosí almohadas diminutas con las telas que sobraban de los proyectos que cocía mi abuelita de vez en cuando; hice muchos sets de ropa de cama en miniatura, y tambien algunos pequeños muebles, que termine prefiriendo antes que los sets de Barbie.

Mis muñecas eran seres sintientes y esa era una realidad para mi tan cierta como que el cielo es azul y como que despues de las 3 de la tarde empezaban las "comiquitas cheveres" en el canal 13.

I was always a very curious little girl who wanted to do and learn about everything, especially if it involved crafts; my mom I think found something to keep me busy, and that was “my dolls needed a place to sleep”, oh, and that set off a long list of little adventures, because I took it very seriously.

This was the chain of thoughts I remember having because of the things my mom would say to me: If my dolls needed a bed it was because they needed to rest, so they also needed pillows so their necks wouldn't hurt, and of course they also needed sheets and blankets so they wouldn't get cold at night!

At that time, I guess I was between 5 and 7 years old, I already liked to sew and I really believed that my dolls had feelings, that they needed to sleep, to be cleaned, combed and cared for like a real person, that I had to talk to them sweetly and never let them fall on the floor because it would obviously hurt them and they could get hurt.

Back then, I ended up making beds and cribs with the shoe boxes or cases that I managed to convince my grandmother to give me, there would be spaces for them to simulate the wooden boards of a crib (I have memories of my grandmother complaining because she no longer had boxes to keep her shoes in, because I grabbed them all for my dolls or to make piñatas).

With felt and scraps of fabric I made mini mattresses, sewed tiny pillows with the leftover fabrics from the projects that my abuelita baked from time to time; I made many miniature bedding sets, and also some small furniture, which I ended up preferring over Barbie sets.

My dolls were sentient beings and that was a reality for me as true as the sky is blue and that after 3 o'clock in the afternoon the “comiquitas cheveres” started on channel 13.


✦ I still have a lot of alcohol based markers, their colors are very pigmented and it's a bit difficult to get a smooth look, but these are the colors I remember ✦

Recuerdo especialmente una muñeca que me gustaba mucho, me la regalaron durante un viaje al mercado mas grande de artesanías de Mérida.

A través de los años y después de muchas mudanzas, hay vacíos en mi memoria donde no se qué ocurrió con todas mis muñecas de trapo, y mentiría si digo que no las extraño, me gustaria haber conservado al menos una o dos para exhibir en mi biblioteca o una estantería especial.

Pero estén donde estén, se que al menos mientras estuvieron conmigo fueron muy amadas y tuvieron, literalmente, un juego de cuarto cada una hecha a su medida con mucho amor, como las mini personas que eran en mi corazón de niña.

I especially remember one doll that I really liked, it was given to me during a trip to the biggest handicraft market in Merida.

Over the years and after many moves, there are gaps in my memory where I don't know what happened to all my rag dolls, and I would be lying if I said I didn't miss them, I wish I had kept at least one or two to display in my library or a special shelf.

But wherever they are, I know that at least while they were with me they were much loved and had, literally, a room set each one made to order with lots of love, like the mini people they were in my heart as a child.

✨ 💙 Follow me on Hive and Instagram for more original content! 💙 ✨


✨ 🍓 All texts and images by @Tesmoforia 🍓 ✨
📸 Tools: Smartphone 📲 Snow 🎬 Remini 🌓 FotoJet 📐
🚨 ¡Please do not take, edit or republish my material without my permission! 🚨
💌 ¿Do you wish to contact me? Discord #tesmoforia 💌
🌙 Banner, signature and separators by Keili Lares

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