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Life is all about falling and rising. No smoothness in life. Many who were up yesterday, today some are down.

Fear of any kind has caused so many people to fail in life carriers. Many could not start something because of fear.

Anything I desire to do I will first determine within myself and keep declaring I can't fail, that will give me boldness and courage to press on.

In 2013 I had a missionary call to establish a church in one of the abandoned areas at Etinan Local Government Area in Akwa Ibom State, I promptly responded to the call being the ministry of the kingdom. After the inspection of the site some men came out and stood a distance from us looking at me amazingly and motionless. I sensed within me that there was something wrong.

Thereafter I decided not to go with those I walked with in order to have a chance to talk to the observers. Opportunity offered itself to talk to them.

“Hello! Brethren, I hope all is well?” I said to them and they responded, “good afternoon sir”. I responded, “good afternoon my people, God bless you”.

I asked again, “ please do you live around?”
“Yes, that's our house”, they pointed at it.
Please can I get a cup of water to drink?
“Yes sir”, they answered immediately and asked me to follow them and I followed without hesitation. They offered me sit and water to drink and I drank.

One of them didn't waste time asking me, sir, are you a visitor in this community? I responded “NO”. He looked at each other motionless for about two minutes. “What's it? Feel free to talk to me”, You said you are not a stranger, then what do you know about that land you just came out from?
I responded, “the Earth is the Lord and the fullness thereof. I can't fail.

They were motionless again and stayed with each other. Sir, no one succeeded in that land before, whoever doing anything there always narrowly escaped or died. Four have died while four ran away. Sir, please save yourself and leave that place, don't mind those that brought you, they are wicked minded people if they have the gods to bring you to that place.

I said in my heart, “I can't fail, …I can't fail, …no I can't fail”, I looked up to them and I said “NO PLACE OF FAILURE IN ME” , so I can't fail. If I fall, cry, be in lack and so on, it is no failure because I can't fail.

The motto of my life: “I CAN'T FAIL” has really helped me to live with courage and face challenges that come my way without fear of failure.

It's not over in life when it's not over. The work started with the declaration of my life motto, I can't fail. Thank God for success archieved.

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