FIFA's World Cup Corruption: A Warning to Those Celebrating Van Gaal's Comments

As much as it was joyful for a portion of Real Madrid and Cristiano fans to read Van Gaal's comments regarding World Cup corruption, and as much work I have done in part 1 and part 2 of this series, it's time to take a look at the other side of the coin and ask the question to these fans: Are you able to live in a world where such corruption exists? Because the world you're advocating for and claim to exist may or may not indict FIFA and pollutes Messi's accomplishment, but it definitely pollutes the accomplishments you hold sacred.


We now live in the world of Madridsta and Cristiano fans theory, this is a world where we know 100% that FIFA gave Messi the World Cup. Let's dive further into this world with the same abstract and honesty we have done in the first part of this series. Let's indict Gianni Infantino and FIFA in this world and even say that Messi was caught paying 60 million to FIFA to win the World Cup, okay? Now let's go further into this world.

If The World Cup is this Corrupt, What Does it Say About Other Tournaments?

FIFA and UEFA weren't this clean, untouchable, and integral figure throughout history then suddenly threw all of that for Messi. They weren't clean and suddenly had a soft spot for Messi and decided to give him the World Cup. This is now a world, which I fully humoured, where the excuses questioning the integrity of the tournament were also mocked by Real Madrid and Cristiano Ronaldo fans throughout the period when Real Madrid and Cristiano Ronaldo were on top of the football pyramid with UEFA titles coming to them on both club and national team stage.

When Real Madrid fans were told that they only got this far in the UEFA Champions League thanks to referees' mistakes such as the game against Paris Saint-Germain, not the last one, where Paris was in full control before Real Madrid got a fake penalty in an attack that was actually offside against Real Madrid. Or The Bayern Munich game where Carvajal should have been red carded but instead the red went to Vidal, the same game where Real Madrid scored an offside goal and like 5 other referee decisions that shouldn't but did go Real Madrid's way. The same goes in the game against Juventus and many other games where mistakes were made blatantly.

All of what I said were the things Real Madrid and Cristiano fans told during that era, things that those very fans ridiculed and mocked when their team and stars were winning. And if we were honestly talking about the refereeing in the World Cup and taking it as proof of corruption, then we should remember that it was much worse during the Real Madrid domination era.

So, when we say that the biggest football organization handpicked the winner in the biggest football tournament in the world, then by extension, it means that it is possible for the winners to be prearranged when it comes to winning UEFA trophies, local cups, local leagues, the big derbies and El Classicos, and individual awards. When you agree and apply Van Gaal's comments about the World Cup, then the least you can do is avoid being a hypocrite and apply it everywhere. It simply can't be that corruption started with the 2022 World Cup and ended after the final of the 2022 World Cup.

If you are one of the people supporting this Van Gaal theory, and at any point in time, past, present, or future, someone comes to you and tells you that your team won a certain match, tournament, trophy, title, or that your player won an individual award thanks to a form of nepotism and corruption, you simply can't respond by calling the other person "salty" or any respond of the kind. That makes you a hypocrite.

Bad Referee Calls Always Existed

I am not even saying they were distributed equally, no, some teams got a huge advantage from bad referee calls throughout history. Do you want to talk about goals that shouldn't have been counted? The 1966 World Cup is a clear example and it was an extra time that gave England the winner over a ball that didn't cross the goal line.

In fact, I can't name a single title or trophy won or lost with a clear referee record. Real Madrid's treble of UEFA Champions League titles, Barcelona's sextuple, even Arsenal's Invincibles era shouldn't have gone as many games as it has without bad referee calls, and it also shouldn't have ended as what happened against Manchester United was a scandal.

I know phrasing it this way makes it sound like it is equal or a form of justice, but it really isn't, the world isn't just Real Madrid and Barcelona, or Arsenal and Manchester United. Bayern Munich, Juventus, Paris Saint-Germain, Atletico, and different clubs at the Premier League were all the victims of what later became an accomplishment of a certain team winning a title or breaking a record. Teams that were denied an opportunity to win the UEFA Champions League or a spot qualifying for it, or even avoid relegation.

A Rule for Me not a Rule for Thee

I know calling this a dark reality sounds a bit too much, the same as calling people names like hypocrites, but it literally can't get bigger than this. Certain camps are saying that the World Cup had a fixed winner. It can't get bigger than this and it is not me making this sound too much. The problem is that a certain group want one side of the coin to prevail. They're simply saying "You won thanks to outside interferences and intentional bad decisions, but we won fair and square and you are salty because we won fair and square".

These people's lives won't feel right unless there was a rule that only applies to them and not the rest. It is simply because they don't view other teams as teams worthy of respect or the players as human. It's fair when it comes to us, but forbidden when it comes to others. That's their overall message, "Us good, you bad".

This applies to everyone, whether a fan of Real Madrid, Barcelona, Bayern, Manchester United, Arsenal, the list goes on and on. I dare to get any fan's Twitter interactions throughout a season and not find contradictions. It's always "mistakes happen" when it comes to their team, that if they admit to it, and it is "fixed" when it comes to other teams.

The Dark Reality

If you're willing to create this dark reality for others, you must be able to live within it yourself. You can't take yourself out of the equation just for the fun of it. You're part of this world as well, your team and favourite star are part of this world as well. This dark reality is the creation of Real Madrid, Cristiano Ronaldo, and their fans and they want to drag everyone down to it. They have created a monster since 2010 and now they want to escape it, but more on that in the final part of this series.

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