You are my one and GNOMELY!

🇺🇸 On Christmas day we're spending the holiday apart from each other. He's enjoying a cheese platter, lots of good meat cooked western style, cold beer and hanging out with his adorable little nephews. (I miss them!!)

🇹🇭 Me on the other hand, enjoying my family vibes and all the good Thai food my aunt cook non-stop. Nothing too fancy as we don't go so heavy on Christmas so...

Out of nowhere, he sent me this and I know exactly it's not his idea of doing so. Our friend made him do it but that's not the point. The point is it made someone smile :)

Just an easily shot photo with a random funny mug in it can really make someone's day.

"You are my one and GNOMELY!"


gnome is one of a species of legendary creatures, usually resembling small misshapen old men, said to live in the depths of the earth and guard buried treasure

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