Richard - Risingstar [ESP/ENG ]




Desde lo profundo de Australia en un lugar muy alejado de la vida moderna existe una tribu nativa donde aborígenes ancestrales bailan al son de su musica.
Este ritmo eleva el espíritu de los guerreros y cazadores y su gran eco se hace sentir a mucha distancia ya que el instrumento musical retumba a todos lados del territorio.

From the depths of Australia, in a place far away from modern life, there is a native tribe where ancient aborigines dance to the sound of their music.
This rhythm lifts the spirits of warriors and hunters and its great echo is felt far away as the musical instrument reverberates throughout the territory.



En esta el jefe de la tribu enseñaba con rigorosa disciplina a sus similares, tanto guerreros como músicos eran llevados al limite de sus fuerzas ya que ambas cosas son tan ceremoniales que simplemente fallar en ello era un castigo ejemplar.

Aquí es donde el joven Raisha aprendió a base de golpes y regaños a dominar su gran instrumento de viento, el didgeridoo.

Su participación se volvió tan vital que Jefe exigía la perfección en cada nota, pues este sonido es sinónimo de poder ante las demás aldeas tribales donde llega su imponente ritmo.

Here the chief of the tribe taught with rigorous discipline to his peers, both warriors and musicians were taken to the limit of their strength since both are so ceremonial that simply failing to do so was an exemplary punishment.

This is where the young Raisha learned through beatings and scoldings to master his great wind instrument, the didgeridoo.

His participation became so vital that the Chief demanded perfection in every note, for this sound is synonymous with power before the other tribal villages where its imposing rhythm reaches.



un dia un grupo de musicos de inglaterra buscaba un elemento de inspiracion y al oir a lo lejos el sonido de la tribu vieron en este instrumento gran potencial musical, sin pensarlo dos veces siguieron el ritmo, cuando llegaron a la majestuosa montaña no se acorbardaron y la escalaron, luego intervinieron en la aldea.

Al comienzo fueron tratados como enemigos por ser forasteros pero al intercambiar elementos de valor como anillos y collares de oro, pulseras de plata y alimentos exóticos lograron hacerse de la confianza del jefe de la tribu

One day a group of musicians from england were looking for an element of inspiration and when they heard the sound of the tribe in the distance they saw in this instrument great musical potential, without thinking twice they followed the rhythm, when they reached the majestic mountain they did not hesitate and climbed it, then they intervened in the village.

At the beginning they were treated as enemies for being outsiders but by exchanging valuable items such as gold rings and necklaces, silver bracelets and exotic foods they managed to gain the trust of the chief of the tribe.



Los musicos extranjeros sabian que de nada serviria adquirir el instrumento de viento si no hubiera nadie que lo dominara para tocarlo, asi que para convencer al jefe de que dejara llevarsen al joven Raisha le hablaron de lo grande que es el mundo, de como su musica podra ser oida por todos los rincones y pueblos del globo, aun asi esto no convencia al Obstinado jefe pues su mayor musico suponia una perdida enorme de su dominio.

Los musicos para solucionarlo, compraron el favor del jefe con lo que el pedía, lo cual eran 8 vacas mas un método para no dejar de tocar.

La pareja bajo la montaña, adquirio el ganado de una ciudad vecina y compro varios instrumentos musicales mas, usaron su grabadora de sonido y junto a unos parlantes grabaron varias secciones de música de la tribu en vivo para reproducirla.

La idea es que se sienta la música igual o mas potente que antes, mientras otro joven chico de la tribu perfecciona su ritmo para alcanzar el talento de Raisha tocando el didgeridoo.

Convencido con el plan y conforme con todo lo que acordaron el jefe entrego a Raisha a los extranjeros.

The foreign musicians knew that it would be useless to acquire the wind instrument if there was no one to play it, so to convince the chief to let them take the young Raisha, they spoke to him about how big the world is, how his music could be heard in all corners and villages of the globe, but this did not convince the stubborn chief because his greatest musician meant a huge loss of his domain.

The musicians to solve it, bought the favor of the boss with what he asked for, which was 8 cows plus a method to not stop playing.

The couple went down the mountain, acquired cattle from a neighboring town and bought several more musical instruments, used their sound recorder and together with some speakers recorded several sections of live tribal music to play back.

The idea is to make the music feel the same or more powerful than before, while another young tribal boy perfects his rhythm to match Raisha's talent playing the didgeridoo.

Convinced with the plan and in agreement with everything they agreed upon, the chief handed Raisha over to the foreigners.



De la mano de sus nuevos padrinos en la música, Raisha fue adiestrado en el arte del teatro, danza, música actual y composición instrumental.

Debido a la fama del movimiento Hippie este ritmo calo bastante en los conciertos de la época, el ritmo conducia al trance, a la meditación, al baile, a la diversión, es en si una como una flauta magica que hace andar en fila a los ratones.

Muchos artistas de la época se buscaron a Raisha para sus conciertos, para hacer convenciones de ventas de libros de piscologia entre un sin fin de artistas que veían en él esa marca musical que innova y deja su sello tanto en mente y espíritu.

From the hand of his new godfathers in music, Raisha was trained in the art of theater, dance, contemporary music and instrumental composition.

Due to the fame of the Hippie movement, this rhythm was very popular in the concerts of the time, the rhythm was conducive to trance, meditation, dance, fun, it was like a magic flute that made the mice walk in a row.

Many artists of the time sought Raisha for their concerts, to make conventions of sales of books of piscology among an endless number of artists who saw in him that musical mark that innovates and leaves its stamp both in mind and spirit.



Al pasar los años Raisha continuo sacando álbumes musicales de su instrumento tribal, sigue componiendo grandes éxitos tanto en bandas sonoras para peliculas como de videojuegos que necesitan transmitir ese ambiente en sus materiales.

Muchas de sus grabaciones se usan aun en dia como fondos para tertulias de poetas en bares, universidades y museos.

Luego de un tiempo ocurrio un problema con su nombre, un grupo extremista de igual nombre hizo algunos atentados en medio oriente y America, asi que para no ser relacionado con esto, cambio su nombre a Richard para las disqueras de estados unidos.

As the years passed Raisha continued to release albums of music from her tribal instrument, she continues to compose hit songs for both film and video game soundtracks that need to convey that ambience in their material.

Many of his recordings are still used today as backdrops for poets' gatherings in bars, universities and museums.

After a while a problem occurred with his name, an extremist group of the same name made some attacks in the Middle East and America, so in order not to be related to this, he changed his name to Richard for the record companies in the United States.



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Grandes artistas han redimencionado y utilizado sus melodias pagando sus derechos de autor, muchos exitos musicales de gente de color tanto en epocas de ayer como en aristas modernos actuales han sabido respetar el legado de Richard al hacer sus versiones acapela y en electrónica.

Son muchos los cantantes que han despegado y llegado a la cima gracias a la inspiracion que Richard les ha infundado desde su niñes al ser fans de este, incontables son los homenajes y las regalias que gana por sus derechos en cada cancion.

Many great artists have re-dimensioned and used his melodies by paying his royalties, many musical hits of people of color both in the past and in modern times have been able to respect Richard's legacy by making their versions in acapella and electronic music.

There are many singers who have taken off and reached the top thanks to the inspiration that Richard has instilled in them since their childhood by being his fans, countless are the tributes and royalties he earns for his rights in each song.

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Pese a su retiro, al dia de hoy Richard sigue asistiendo como invitado especial en conciertos y eventos de otros artistas.
Su legado musical sigue pegando tan profundo que cada composicion y albun nuevo donde hace equipo con otros es sinonimo de exito inmediato de ventas en la radio y en estadios llenos a rebosar de publico.

Richard aun frecuenta su vieja aldea en Australia, lleva comida a su gente y sigue cada domingo tocando el didgeridoo para que sus tribus vecinas sepan de su tradicion y respeto.

Los lugareños confian en su musico ya que supo llevar con altura el nombre de la region y sus costumbres.

Richard es considerado patrimonio mundial de la humanidad y su música sigue siendo sinonimo de poder y de alegría en donde quiera que suene en una radio en el rincón mas alejado del mundo.

Despite his retirement, to this day Richard continues to perform as a special guest at concerts and other artists' events.
His musical legacy continues to resonate so deeply that each new composition and album where he teams up with others is synonymous with immediate radio hits and sold out stadiums.

Richard still frequents his old village in Australia, brings food to his people and continues to play the didgeridoo every Sunday to let his neighboring tribes know of his tradition and respect.

The villagers trust their musician because he knew how to carry the name of the region and its customs.

Richard is considered world heritage of humanity and his music is still synonymous with power and joy wherever it is played on a radio in the farthest corner of the world.



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