Tony y sus trucos baratos | Historia [ESP-ENG]


Tony era un joven que nunca tuvo las mejores condiciones económicas, a pesar de que siempre buscaba la manera de salir adelante y apoyar a su madre, tenía que hacer muchos trabajos durante horas y cada semana reunía cierta cantidad de dinero, algo que para ellos era felicidad, sin duda Tony necesitaba hacer más dinero y poder irse de esa ciudad para así poder reencontrarse con su padre lo antes posible, buscaba empleo y no conseguía lo que le gustaba, así que se le ocurrió una idea de vender instrumentos baratos mediante algunos trucos que le enseñó su padre y ver qué tal le funcionaba en esta oportunidad.

Tomo un poco de su ahorro y fue a un lugar donde vendían instrumentos con algún defecto, compro los más sencillos y lo primero que hizo fue llevarlos a casa, donde si madre se sorprendió, ya que gasto su dinero en cosas chatarras que no sirven y lo regañó. Mientras que Tony seguía en pie con su inversión y ahora le tocaba medio repararlos y de una venderlos, donde allí era su truco de recuperar el dinero de una manera sencilla, a pesar de que corría el riesgo de que en cualquier momento se podía dañar el instrumento, por eso tenía que vender y marcharse.

Tony was a young man who never had the best economic conditions, although he was always looking for a way to get ahead and support his mother, he had to do many jobs for hours and every week he collected a certain amount of money, something that for them was happiness, no doubt Tony needed to make more money and be able to leave that city so he could be reunited with his father as soon as possible, he was looking for a job and could not get what he liked, so he came up with an idea to sell cheap instruments using some tricks that his father taught him and see how it worked for him this time.

He took some of his savings and went to a place where they sold instruments with some defects, bought the simplest ones and the first thing he did was to take them home, where his mother was surprised, since he wasted his money in junk things that were useless and scolded him. While Tony was still standing with his investment and now he had to half repair them and sell them, where there was his trick to recover the money in a simple way, even though he ran the risk that at any time the instrument could be damaged, so he had to sell and leave.


Pasaron varios días en todo ese proceso de la venta, donde su truco era pararse en lugares donde transcurría muchas personas y de esa manera darle un precio muy bajo para así poder venderlos, muchas personas solo preguntaba precios y nada que compraban, por lo tanto, Tony tuvo que emplear otro truco la cual era hacer promociones de 2*1 viejo truco que seguro le serviría. Pasaron varias horas y comenzó a vender esas guitarras, que seguro que si la tocaban varias veces las cuerdas si iban a romper, un amplificador barato que estaba a punto de dañarse y así una serie de instrumentos, pero Tony solo necesitaba vender sin dar detalles.

Ese truco le funciono y en pocos días logro vender todo, así qué decidió comprar un poco más de instrumentos y ampliar la variedad para ver qué tal iba, sin embargo, tenía que cambiar de sitio y colocarse otra ropa para que así nadie lo pudiera reconocer, volvió aplicar el mismo truco y la sorpresa es que esta vez logro vender todo a una sola persona. Tony recibió un gran monto de dinero en efectivo y su cara de felicidad era muy grande, pero a la vez preocupación, ya que lo que estaba haciendo estaba mal y en cualquier momento lo iba a descubrir. Mientras que su mamá, muy preocupada en casa, recibió una vista de la policía en casa, para ver si se encontraba en casa, algo que le preocupó mucho y sin saber que estaba pasando llamo a Tony lo más rápido posible.

They spent several days in the whole process of selling, where his trick was to stand in places where many people passed and thus give a very low price in order to sell them, many people only asked prices and nothing they bought, therefore, Tony had to use another trick which was to make promotions of 2 * 1 old trick that surely would serve him. Several hours went by and he started to sell those guitars, that for sure if they were played several times the strings would break, a cheap amplifier that was about to be damaged and a series of instruments, but Tony just needed to sell without giving details.

That trick worked and in a few days he managed to sell everything, so he decided to buy a few more instruments and expand the variety to see how it went, however, he had to change places and put on different clothes so that no one could recognize him, he applied the same trick again and the surprise is that this time he managed to sell everything to one person. Tony received a large amount of cash and his face was very happy, but at the same time worried, since what he was doing was wrong and at any moment he was going to be found out. While his mother, very worried at home, received a visit from the police at home, to see if he was at home, something that worried her a lot and without knowing what was going on she called Tony as soon as possible.


Tony seguía en con su compra y venta de instrumentos porque cada truco de esos baratos que iba aprendiendo le funcionaba de la manera perfecta. En su próximo lugar uno de los clientes lo reconoció y de inmediato le comenzó a preguntar por qué los instrumentos están como dañado, algo que Tony le preocupó y lo único que le comentó era que lo trajera para ver revisarlo, al momento de esa situación solo le quedaban muy poco instrumentos a Tony y para salir de eso los regalo y se marchó de ese lugar.

Al llegar a casa la mamá todo preocupada, ya que esos trucos de vender cosas usadas lo sirve, sin embargo, Tony logro pagar muchas deudas y dejarle algo de dinero a su mamá, ya que en pocas horas este joven tenía que marchar y tomar un avión. Más nadie supo de Tony y al llegar con su padre le comentó lo que había logrado con sus trucos que aprendió de él y de esa manera este chico continuó con su vida, donde ahora está tocando en una plaza con instrumentos baratos y allí mismo hace el negocio de venderlos y cada semana está tocando instrumentos nuevos y nadie se da cuenta de lo que hace este joven con sus trucos baratos.

Tony continued with his buying and selling of instruments because every cheap trick he was learning worked perfectly. In his next place one of the customers recognized him and immediately began to ask him why the instruments were damaged, something that worried Tony and the only thing he told him was to bring it to check it, at the time of this situation Tony had very few instruments left and to get out of it he gave them away and left the place.

When he arrived home, his mother was very worried, since those tricks of selling used things served him well, however, Tony was able to pay many debts and leave some money to his mother, since in a few hours this young man had to leave and take a plane. Nobody knew more about Tony and when he arrived with his father he told him what he had achieved with his tricks that he learned from him and in that way this boy continued with his life, where now he is playing in a square with cheap instruments and right there he makes the business of selling them and every week he is playing new instruments and nobody notices what this young man does with his cheap tricks. 3.png 3.png

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