Pierre y su escuela de música | Historia [ESP-ENG]


Pierre era un gran profesor de música, tenía muchos años ejerciendo su carrera y tenía una reputación muy alta que muchos se quedan sorprendiendo por lo talentoso que era ese señor, además muchos dicen que ganó varios concursos de música y por ese era muy famoso. Terminó en la escuela, ya que no quería que su talento muriera y que mejor manera de compartirlo con sus alumnos durante cada día de la semana, muchos de esos niños estaban muy avanzando como otros que apenas estaba comenzando, por eso era una tarea muy grande para Pierre, sin duda nada lo detenía.

Sus clases eran muy dinámicas, divertidas y al finalizar cada mes tenía la tarea de tocar una gran canción con su grupo de alumnos, por eso la responsabilidad y el compromiso era grande. Pierre ya tenía en mente la canción que iba a tocar para ese mes, sin duda necesitaba afinar unos detalles y listo para eso. Sin embargo, en una clase una de las cuerdas de su instrumento se rompió y fue lo peor que le pudo haber pasado a este señor, ya que muchos años de uso habían llegado a su fin, los alumnos notaron la cara de tristeza de su profesor, ya que un instrumento como ese valen mucho dinero y nadie tenía esa cantidad.

Pierre was a great music teacher, he had many years exercising his career and had a very high reputation that many are surprised by how talented that man was, also many say that he won several music contests and for that he was very famous. He ended up at the school, as he did not want his talent to die and what better way to share it with his students every day of the week, many of these children were very advanced as others were just starting, so it was a big task for Pierre, certainly nothing stopped him.

His classes were very dynamic, fun and at the end of each month he had the task of playing a great song with his group of students, so the responsibility and commitment was great. Pierre already had in mind the song he was going to play for that month, no doubt he needed to fine tune some details and ready for that. However, in a class one of the strings of his instrument broke and it was the worst thing that could have happened to this gentleman, since many years of use had come to an end, the students noticed the sad face of their teacher, since an instrument like that is worth a lot of money and no one had that amount.


Le tocó pensar y buscar ideas para así poder continuar con la preparación de esa presentación, ya que el profesor era parte de ese grupo y sin él iba a dejar un gran vacío. Su instrumento no tenía reparación y por eso no podía tocarlo más, así que continúo con sus clases y a último momento cambia de pista musical para así poder cumplir con esa tarea, muchos de los alumnos se quedaron sorprendidos, ya que era la primera vez que la escuchaban y por eso tenía que pasar un poco más de tiempo practicando.

Los días pasaron y esa tristeza por parte de Pierre era grande, ya que con ese instrumento ganó muchas competencias y su gran reputación. Los alumnos de ese profesor eran muy talentosos y por eso decidieron hacer un pequeño esfuerzo para reunir, así que al finalizar las prácticas de música todo se reunían para preparar galletas y venderlas en el parque, poco a poco fueron llegando esas monedas, pero sin decirle nada a su profesor, además la venta fueron subiendo, ya que las galletas era muy rica. Pierre se dio cuenta de lo que hacían sus alumnos para nadie, le comentó nada, más bien el dinero recaudado era para guardarlo para un futuro, así que este profesor se quedó tranquilo y solo le queda cumplir una tarea más al finalizar el mes.

He had to think and look for ideas to be able to continue with the preparation of that presentation, since the teacher was part of that group and without him he was going to leave a great emptiness. His instrument was not repaired and therefore he could not play it anymore, so he continued with his classes and at the last minute he changed the musical track to be able to fulfill this task, many of the students were surprised, since it was the first time they heard it and therefore he had to spend a little more time practicing.

The days passed and the sadness on Pierre's part was great, since with that instrument he won many competitions and his great reputation. The students of that teacher were very talented and so they decided to make a small effort to collect, so at the end of music practice they all met to prepare cookies and sell them in the park, little by little those coins were arriving, but without saying anything to his teacher, also the sale was going up, since the cookies were very rich. Pierre realized what his students were doing for nobody, he said nothing to him, rather the money collected was to save it for the future, so this teacher remained calm and only has to fulfill one more task at the end of the month.


Todo listo para esa gran presentación en la escuela, ese lugar esa lleno de muchos alumnos de diferentes años para así poder escuchar cada pieza de ese grupo musical. Los nervios crecieron y cada uno tomó su instrumento y se colocó en su posición, además el profesor Pierre pidió una disculpa de que no podía tocar, ya que su instrumento se rompió, para muchos fue una gran sorpresa. Comenzaron a tocar y cada pieza musical era más bonita y rápida, demostrando ese gran trabajo que había logrado dicho profesor, tocaron cuatro canciones y los aplausos no dejaban de escuchar en ese gran salón, todos contentos y felices de lo que había logrado y para otros era la primera vez que lo hacían.

Al finalizar la presentación el profesor Pierre, comentó que estaba iba a ser su última presentación, ya que su salud no era la mejor, sin embargo, al momento de bajarse de la tarima todos sus alumnos de música le dieron un gran regalo, siendo un violonchelo nuevo, ya que se lo merecía y la música se había convertido parte de su vida. Pierre sin palabras y muy emocionado se sorprendió, ya que nunca se imaginó volver a recibir un instrumento como ese y mucho menos, así que para cerrar su carrera como profesor en esa escuela tocó la música original que tenía preparada con sus alumnos, siendo el regalo más grande para todo y de esa manera ahora su violonchelo lo cuidará muy bien.

Everything was ready for this great presentation in the school, the place was full of many students from different years in order to listen to each piece of this musical group. The nerves grew and each one took his instrument and took his position, besides the teacher Pierre apologized for not being able to play, since his instrument was broken, for many it was a great surprise. They began to play and each piece of music was more beautiful and faster, demonstrating the great work that the professor had achieved, they played four songs and the applause did not stop listening in that great hall, all happy and happy of what he had achieved and for others it was the first time they did it.

At the end of the presentation, Professor Pierre commented that this was going to be his last presentation, since his health was not the best, however, at the moment of leaving the stage all his music students gave him a great gift, a new cello, since he deserved it and music had become part of his life. Pierre was speechless and very excited, he was surprised, since he never imagined he would receive an instrument like that again and much less, so to close his career as a teacher in that school he played the original music he had prepared with his students, being the greatest gift for everything and that way now his cello will take care of him very well.


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