Rainy season, planting season, happy farmers


Hooray, the rainy season has arrived. The gardening community must be happy with the rainy season, it's time to plant a garden for produces a variety of vegetables and fruits.

The farmers have woken up from their long sleep. Because almost Eight months of drought hit this village.So farmers do not carry out activities during the dry season. Occasionally they only take dry wood for cooking .Those who own livestock go to the fields to look for grass for their livestock feed Just.

In my village, farmers only garden during the rainy season, because during the rainy season the soil, It will be loose and soft. Because this village is a mountainous village, there is no water irrigation and it only relies on rain.

If farmers Reckless plant gardens in the dry seasonI t dies quickl And dry , so farmers have to be patient and wait for the rain to arrive.

Usually in our village during the dry season vegetables are usually quite expensive.Because farmers plant vegetables in the rainy season. If it's the rainy season, vegetables sold quite cheaply. In the rainy season, vegetables are very fertile and abundant.


These are the seeds that farmers will plant, there are peanuts, corn, rice, long beans, cucumbers,Papaya, pumpkin,Cassava, sweet potato, spinach, tomatoes, chili and many more. Usually the seeds are left by farmers after the harvest. They will leave a little bit And put it in a bottle so that insects don't eat it. To be replanted when the rainy season comes again. Gunung Kidul Village is a village that produces corn and peanuts The Biggest in Indonesia. On average, farmers in this village plant them in large quantities.







This Photos and gardens that I captured while they were planting On average, the people who garden in my village are elderly.Because the children Opt for go to work in the city.

If farmers only rely on income from farming, it is usually not enough for their daily needs, especially during the dry season, the rice fields are usually sold out. Many young people prefer to work in the city, while their parents choose to farm, and occasionally there are children who send money from their work in the city.

With this review the city people want to see How to grow the vegetables they eat. and spend time on weekends or holidays.Will increase your insight into how to grow vegetables.

Such is the enthusiasm of the creation of the almighty God.There is a rainy season It's time for farmers to garden and there is a dry season.
And during the dry season is the time to dry The harvest results Like corn and peanuts So that No Easy to rot and moldy And also drying Various kinds of processed foods Food. That's where I got the conclusion that This nature has been regulated by the Almighty Very neatly arranged and balanced. So humans must Be grateful for what God has given you and don't complain easily. Make the most of the weather.

That's my review of the rainy season for farmers. I hope this review will add to your knowledge.Insights For
people in the city Specifically . My warm greetings.


About author

Titis Sumiati is an ordinary woman who has many dreams. But her dreams are limited to being a good mother and wife. Through this platform she wants to learn a lot and become a good content writer, who hopes that her writing will be liked by many people.

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