Tips For Pies From A Kitchen Witch

Posting about food has always been an issue for me until recently. I was bulimic in high school, and college. In fact, until I became pregnant and in charge of baking humans, I wasn't very kind to my body.
I call it "BC" = Before Children and "AC" After Children!

Then I had to cook for a myriad of palates, one of those was the father of my offspring, who grew up with a mama from Nebraska.
It was roast, potatoes and uh ... more potatoes and uh ... bread. He hated my cooking. My spawn rolled their eyes and pleaded for Taco Bell™. I grew to despise being in the kitchen. What was the point? Although, if I'd made Sweet & Spicy Green Beans, I might have redeemed myself sooner?

When The Big Guy returned to me (as in, we found each other again) and said, "If we hate it, we'll get pizza, but for the love of all that is holy, make food. You're a kick ass cook.

We've been together for 20 years now, and in the last ten years my family has decided that I am, in fact, a kick ass cook. Thank you, family. It's never too late to have a happy childhood.

Alright. I'ma save you bubbies some heartache this baking season.
Once upon a time, I was in a kitchen with an (allegedly) wicked witch who shamed me (well, tried to) for "making my apples into a pretty pile" she said it was an utter waste of time, and no one would see them anyway.
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Yes. That really happened. I was raised by evil witches.
Sigh. Moving on ...
Here's the fun part, I didn't realize it was a "pretty pile" at all, and I wasn't going for flair, I was going for good old-fashioned science. My response to the glaring bytch was to thank her for saying that my layered apples were purty, but I was going for the taste. I further complimented her on her knack for reminding me science could be beautiful.

Layer your apples, oh chefs. They will cook evenly without all the air pockets that can form if you just dump your fruit into a pie. Your crust will thank you.

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Speaking of crusts, put the silicon or foil crust protector on FIRST, not in the last ten or 20 minutes of baking. Take the covering off IN THE LAST TEN OR SO ... makes for less trouble, not to mention potential hand burns.

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And yes ... The Big Guy wanted Apple Pie, not cake for his birthday today. Which was handy, considering our two apple trees are ready for harvesting! ❤

Thank you, so much, for reading and I always welcome your comments!
Take a look at @Labyrinths when you have a moment, and join our labyrinth community on HIVE if you're interested. We just started it, so there's not much going on yet, but if you're ever in the need for a "down to earth" (but not too earthy) psychic, you can find me online at Brigid's Aether.

Any images and graphics (unless noted) are mine.


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