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DIY Hair Coloring Fail

Beauty salons are one of the businesses that were affected by the lockdown. People started doing their hair cutting, hair rebonding and hair coloring. My kids started to color their hair and I was pretty impressed with what they did. Today I will be sharing with you my experience as a customer in my kid's home beauty saloon.


My daughter wanted to color my hair, convinced me that they are experts and they will change my image. They know how much I loved the Witcher and wanted to change my hair color to white. I said that would be too much for me but I would settle for a light grey color.


So the color decision was made and they ordered all the necessary things to do the hair coloring.


First, they ordered an oxidizing agent that will be mixed with the bleach and the hair color.


The bleaching powder came in small packets.


Now for the coloring cream, they needed two boxes and the name of the color is Intense Grey. This brand is good as my wife also used this brand to color her hair. She had her hair colored Burgundy and I like it. I was pretty excited as I have never changed the color of my hair in my entire life. Let's see how it would turn out.


My kids told me that they needed to bleach my hair first so the grey color would appear. I think they used two packs of oxidizing cream.


After that, a pack of bleaching powder was added to the mix.


It was mixed thoroughly until a bit foamy with a baby blue color.


My hair was portioned into sections before applying the bleaching cream. I was impressed as it seems they knew very well what they were doing.


After that, the cream was applied to each section.


Once the bleaching cream has been applied to all sections, it was covered with plastic.


This will take 30 minutes to take effect. It felt a bit warm and itchy but my daughter said that it was normal. I just played with my phone while waiting to pass the time.


Once the 30 minutes has passed, my hair was washed completely.


The bleach has taken effect and it needed to be dried completely before applying the hair color.


To mix the hair color, oxidizing cream was again used and mixed with the hair coloring cream. I asked why the color of the cream is not grey but appears to be yellowish. It said Intense Grey on the box, maybe the color will change once applied.


Again my hair was sectioned first before applying the coloring cream mixture.


Once done I had to wait again and this time for 40 minutes for the color to take effect. Since I was playing a game, the 40 minutes was pretty quick. My hair was washed completely and then to my surprise...........


Nothing happened. No intense grey color but I am stuck with golden yellow hair. My kids and my wife could not stop laughing as I was checking myself in the mirror. I was in a bit of a panic and I don't know if I could go outside in this color. I feel like I was wearing a wig and looks so unnatural for me. My friends would never imagine that I would color my hair golden yellow. I am fortunate that I am working from home and saved me from embarrassment.

My kids could not explain why it didn't turn into grey. Maybe the box got labeled wrong and they said they followed all the procedures correctly. I wanted to color my hair again but they said they could only do that after three weeks. Coloring it again right away could damage my hair.

Well, I guess I'm stuck with blonde hair for 3 weeks.


Thanks for dropping by to check my story. What do you think about my new hair color? Any suggestions on what color would be nice once I re-color my hair? What do you think was missed that caused the hair coloring to fail.

Leave your thoughts in the comments.

See you soon and enjoy life!


All photos are original and taken with

Lumix GX85 and Olympus 45mm f1.8

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