Comments can never stop the destination

Life is a test. In this test called life, some succeed and some fail. I think you will succeed only when you overcome the obstacles in your path and move forward. And you will fail only when you walk back in fear of these obstacles.

Most people fail at this because they give up whenever someone says something. People will talk about people. We have to move towards our goal without listening to those words. Some will say that see what the boy Unimart does, now someone else does it. I don't think I will be Unimart for a few days or I will be smart one day or another.

I don't care what people say. People will tell people I will do my job. If you think Facebook will go viral on YouTube. Nothing will happen. Maybe 2 days will remember 4 days. Then no one will remember.
No one will help you when you need something. So I say whatever people say. The job of those who say it is to say it and walk around. They can't do anything by themselves. There is only Reddy to say the next time. And no one from far away makes these comments. The people close to him say these things. For example, if you see that you are doing this, these things will not happen, this work will not happen with you, no one has been able to do anything like this till today. You can't do anything.
But you will see that when you succeed in overcoming all obstacles, then all those people will tell people about you that if something happens in life, then notice him.

In the end, this is what I want to say: human comments can never block the way to their destination.

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