Beautiful Sunday: My COVID-19 Experience

Good day guys!


During the Last week of September I was tested Positive for Covid- 19

The day before it happened
It was the start of the week and I went to work. I actually work at a hospital. During the morning me and my colleague started treating our patients who were confined in the hospital. We were able to finish all of them in half a day. We treated 8 patients, mostly all of them were stroke patients who needed to be conditioned.

After we went down, we disinfected and ate lunch with the others. After we finished up with lunch I started writing all the notes in their charts, I started to feel a headache. I tried drinking a lot of water, eating some more and sleeping, the headache would come back from time to time. Before leaving work the headache was bothering me. But I still went to gas up before going home because the prices were going to increase. On my way home it was really traffic so I was able to go home at around an hour after. I couldn't take the pain so I slept for awhile. When I woke up, I thought the pain from the headache would be gone but it was still there. I tried eating thinking that it was because of the hunger, but the pain was still there. It was the worse headache that I've ever felt in my life

I then took a bath and slept. I woke up at around 3 am having the chills and a headache. I had a thermometer beside me and I checked my temperate it was 38.3, I was having a fever. I was trying my best to sleep, but I kept on waking up and I was checking my temperature and it had a range from 38.1-38.4. I was also worried that I wouldn't make it to work because the patient load was high and there were only 2 of us treating them.

I immediately told my family about it and my brother told me to get tested for COVID-19 as soon as possible. So I decided to call in sick and told our rehab head and our chief and colleague, that I won't be able to work due to my fever. They were kind enough to tell me to get some rest and told me not to worry about our patients.


Around 10 am I went to the triage of the hospital that I work in, I had myself swabbed and they also took blood from me to test my CBC. My brother and sister in law, was hoping that this was just dengue after reading the result. My sister in law is actucally a Doctor who specialized in Infectious Disease.

So When I went home I was just isolating myself inside my room while using my computer and waiting for my results. There was a table infront of my room and they would leave the things that I needed. During the wait here were still instances where I would get fevers, a runny nose and intermittent headaches. I was just taking paracetamol for it.

During the next day, I was still being positive that this couldn't be covid because I felt a lot better with no headaches or fever, just a runny nose. This was how they prepared the food for me at home, just using disposable items just in case I was positive. At around 4 pm my results came out and it was my brother who informed me that I was positive for COVID 19. I was stunned that time, thinking where did I get it? I informed the heads in my workplace that I was positive. My sister in law told me that I would be admitted in a hospital, and that they already reserved a room for me. As much as I hated the thought of staying in the hospital and thinking of what I will be doing there for the next 14 days, I had to make a sacrifice because I was deemed very infectious and I didn't want any of my family members to get it. I was also worried that I hope that none of my family members, girlfriend, colleagues and patients didn't get the virus from me. I immediately start downloading movies, anime and books to read before leaving for the hospital. The doctor of our health center called and also asked me to make a diary 14 days prior to getting the virus, stating the places I went and the people I was with. After getting ready, I also endorsed to my sibling on how to feed some of my pets.
This was my last photo before leaving the house to go to the hospital.
My mom was the one who brought me. It was raining that time but my windows were up just to make sure there's ventilation.


I got there at around 9:30. They told me to go to triage 2. The attending nurse and doctor were asking me questions on how I feel. The nurse also took my vital signs. Later on, I had to get a chest X ray.



The nurse also extracted my blood on my antecubital and wrist. It was my first time experiencing getting extracted at the wrist. It was really painful and she had a difficult time looking for my artery and extracting the blood from there. This test was called ABG to measure my oxygen and carbon levels in my body. I remember that I kept on shaking afterwards.
My Covid19 Experience.jpg

I really had to wait for my things to be processed before they brought me in. You can see how understaffed this hospital was.At around 11:50 that's when the ambulance came and got me and brought me to the other entrance of the hospital. It was my first time getting admitted and riding an ambulance.
I was escorted by a transport aide and a maintenance wherein one was carrying my stuff with a wheelchair and the other one behind me was spraying a disinfectant. I had to climb 5 ramps. And if you look closely at the photos, they had to close all the doors and ways just to enter the covid ward. Before entering the covid ward there were so much plastic barriers.



At around 12 am I reached my room, fixed all my stuff and got ready for bed.

I shall write some more about my experience in the future. I pray that the people who are currently being affected with typhoon Rolly will be safe.


Thanks for reading and Stay safe always!

The photos used in this post are owned by me .



Animation by @zord189

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