"The Orchids"

Me and My Lovely Orchids

Rose is called the king and queen of flowers, However i think that this title better suit the Orchid flowers. Here let me share you some of my orchids and what ever little i know about the orchids.

Orchid flowers are known for their intricate and unique structures, which have evolved to attract specific pollinators.

Orchid flowers come in a wide range of colors, shapes, sizes, and fragrances, with some species producing the most expensive flowers in the world.

Many orchids have a bilateral symmetry, meaning the flower is divided into two equal halves, while others have a radial symmetry.

The flowers can have a single bloom or multiple blooms on a stem, with each bloom lasting from a few days to several months.

The flowers of some orchid species are capable of self-pollination, while others require cross-pollination to produce viable seeds.

Orchid flowers are widely admired for their beauty and are commonly used in floral arrangements and as cut flowers, but many species are threatened by habitat loss and over-collection.

# My Snow White Orchid


The pure white orchid with little yellow and pink in the center is an elegant and delicate flower. The petals and sepals of the flower are a pristine, snowy white, while the lip or labellum has a small yellow and pink spot or blotch in the center. The yellow spot is surrounded by white or light pink tissue, which creates a subtle contrast against the white backdrop of the flower.


The yellow and pink spot in the center of the flower is likely to be the result of pigmentation, caused by the presence of a specific type of pigment in the cells of the flower. This pigment may be concentrated in a small area or may be spread out more evenly across the lip. The overall effect is one of understated beauty, with the simplicity of the white petals and sepals drawing attention to the intricate details of the center.



This type of orchid flower is likely to be a popular choice for weddings and other formal occasions due to its classic and timeless appearance. It may be a hybrid or a cultivar developed through selective breeding, or it may be a naturally occurring variation of an existing orchid species. Regardless of its origins, the pure white orchid with little yellow and pink in the center is a stunning example of the beauty and sophistication of the orchid family.

My Pink Starburst Orchid

This beautiful Orchid flower is also called the pink mirage but prefer the name pink starbust and this one of my favorite orchid flower.

The white orchid flower with dark pink dots and stripes is a striking and unique specimen. The dots and stripes are arranged in a distinctive, asymmetrical pattern that gives the flower a sense of movement and depth.

The dots and stripes are likely to be lines of color that radiate outward from the center of the flower, creating a radial pattern. The pink coloration on the lip may be concentrated towards the edges or may be spread evenly across the entire surface. The overall effect is one of contrast, with the stark white of the petals and sepals creating a striking backdrop for the pink dots and stripes.

This type of orchid flower is likely to be highly prized by collectors and enthusiasts due to its rarity and unique appearance. It may be a hybrid or a cultivar developed through selective breeding, or it may be a naturally occurring variation of an existing orchid species. Regardless of its origins, the white orchid with dark pink dots and stripes is a stunning example of the beauty and diversity of the orchid family.

My Golden Aura Orchid Flower

Golden Aura, I dont know if any other name could suit this flower any better.

The pure yellow orchid with little dark yellow in the center is a bright and cheerful flower. The petals and sepals of the flower are a vibrant, sunny yellow, while the lip or labellum has a small dark yellow in the center. The dark yellow is surrounded by lighter yellow tissue, which creates a subtle contrast against the bright yellow backdrop of the flower.

This type of orchid flower is likely to be a popular choice for gardeners and enthusiasts due to its vibrant and uplifting appearance. It may be a hybrid or a cultivar developed through selective breeding, or it may be a naturally occurring variation of an existing orchid species. Regardless of its origins, the pure yellow orchid with little dark yellow in the center is a stunning example of the beauty and charm of the orchid family.



Hope you all enjoyed my orchid flowers. Stay connected for more updates.

Me and My Lovely Orchids

This is a cross post of @escspencer/me-and-my-lovely-orchids by @escspencer.

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