Navigating Freelancing Life As a Creative- Program

Freelancer and Artist — as a creative, those two words are so appealing yet intimidating to me at the same time. They sound like people I wanna become, yet I am scared to be one. So it never occured to me that a day would come when I will end up associating myself to those titles. But lo and behold, here I am, a freelance artist and educator.

Being completely new to this field, there were countless times when I felt so lost. It felt like I was in a crossroads, seeing the possibilities but not knowing which path to take. There are so many options, I know. I just didn't know what steps to take from where I am.

So when Dai, the founder of Katha Pilipinas and the brain behind the program, Navigating Freelancing Life as a Creative informed me that I was granted a scholarship to the said program, I was over the moon. Part of me was asking, "Why me?" But another part was saying, "Why not?"

This program has taught be a lot of things about being a freelancer and a creative. It gave me new insights and perspective on different topics.

The past 4 Saturdays spent in this program, together with the UA&P Core team, the subject matter experts and my fellow creatives, has been wonderful. I learned not only about the practical and legal matters, but also the real-life lessons from the experiences of each person in the room.

I can't stress enough how this program has been such a gift to me— to us.

I am so proud to say that I am one of the pioneers of this program. And I am pretty sure, this is just the start. I am genuinely looking forward on the next batches because I know that this will help other creatives like how it helped me.

photos taken by Ian Santos

I still have the question, "What now?" in my head. And though I still don't have a conrete answer, at least now, I already have some knowledge that will guide me in making decisions.

photo taken by ph.madamlakwatsera

To my fellow creatives out there, let's keep on going. Let's keep on creating. Kaya natin to!

Stay sane and safe!
Let's spread happiness.


This is M's online journal. Join her as she reminisce memories, discover new things, or simply vomit words on pages. Sometimes she is an artist; other times she is the art.

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