The recipe of being nice when you are wealthy - is that existing?

Probably not - the more I think about it - there is not clear solution. Many nice guys I know here are open to help people with less wealth which is great. Even poor folks help others even they can not afford it - I appreciate anyone to share what they own with others owning less - but what about people that only share this with people expecting someting in return? Maybe total followship or life long thankfulness - I realized since my younger years there are two different types of nice guys - how you deal with people you know they only do things for receiving sth in return?


I have not a single cent of respect towards such people

Giving for receiving is bad in my view but i might be wrong - maybe this is part of the ecosystem we call human life? Do I need to accept it? Maybe! Do i need to like that? For sure not. Am I allowed to tell others or even criticize them about that? I always will, no matter how they react in return.

The original idea of Hive (or Steemit) was that way

It changed during the times as many people became only selfish given the system - and the system still is not ideal, even worse. Steemit was build to be a pioneer and reward content creators vs Google / Facebook that use your content for free - and it was linked with innovative blockchain technology, new earnign potential! But what happened is pretty sad - the rich guys are the same as in traditional business, they are here and control anything (or call it influence / lobby movements). Is that good? For sure not! The original idea of blockchain was different, the idea of decentralization was killed by too powerful top witnesses here. Apart from that, even worse nowadays it seems to be a way of sympathy - in Steemit days we called it circle-jerking, that rewards are not distributed based on quality but simply based on relationship building, sympathy or strategic reasons by the ones that reward content. The times are over we all agree on fair distribution of rewards based on quality.

What is fair distribution of rewards though?

I personally am not invested that much anymore - from Orca down to smallest fish as I invested all my Steem and Hive stake into a game on the hive blockchain. But I often come across flag wars or seeing great content creator leave, why is that?

Make the chain a DApp chain - get rid of layer one content reward and do not accept all the highly staked members tell you do!

Have a lovely weekend

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