MES Livestream 38: Mystery Flashes on 9/11

Join me as I deep dive into RARE, never before observed, and mysterious flashes near the World Trade Center just as the events of 9/11 where occuring.

May 25, 2024 TODAY at 1 PM PST / 3 PM CST / 4 PM EST / 10 PM CAT / 21:00 GMT (UK)

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Mystery Flashes.jpeg

  1. MES Links:
  2. BBC Pedo statue (shakespear is a phallic name too...)
  3. Person says Jet before "plane" is in camera view, further ruling out CGI:
  4. Agenda 2030:
  5. Trump Daddy LOL
  6. Flight recorders weren't found at WTC but alleged Hijacker's passport was... LOL
  7. Hindsight 2020 (besides the controlled opposition Loose Change 9/11 disinfo) has decent info wow:
  8. John Lear projection:
  9. Epic Trump thread
    • COVID vaccine was first administered at midpoint of 2 Great American Eclipses.
    • Trump Christ family tree.
    • Twin Trumps predictive programming.
  10. Debris seems to be falling on WTC 5, possibly the (planted) fuselage:
  11. Scott Myers update: Kazimir talks to Carrie's attorneys??
  12. Bombing suspect has the eye thing??
  13. Trump Twins predictive programming and fake assassination:
  14. Twin Towers Egypt symbology:
  15. Venus 77 doomsday plane over the pentagon on 9/11??
  16. 33 coincidences:
  17. Radar generates foo fighters near planes:
  18. Dave Wigington's GeoEngineering website NEVER discussed Hurricane Erin on 9/11
  19. Face filter as Trump / Biden in livestream.
  20. MH17 bodies glowed green?? and had no blood??
  21. No desks, computers, et al found, good footage of toasted cars:
  22. Hollow Earth livestream with Andrew Johnson and/or Methylminer??
  23. Antartica deep dive. Earthquake generator / DEW whistleblower.
  24. Patent searching.
  25. MH17 bodies.
  26. DNA doesn't exist?
  27. ARA info and pictures and DEW on humans / hand on 9/11:
  28. Bob Greenyer has SEM on Hutchison Samples
  29. Hutchison Effect wood in aluminum sample 60X magnification:
  30. Beyond Invention Tubi link:
  31. US military developing microwaves to destroy steel buildings:
  32. Steven Greer duping delight, same as with Greg Jenkins: and @mes/video-notes-911truth-part-2-official-government-narrative-demonetization-concern-trolling
    • Jenkins uses the pathetic "melt down all the steel" and "twin towers are mainly air by volume" "arguments" LOL pathetic.
  33. Wrestling hypnosis proves it's real:
  34. ANOTHER bridge ship "accident":
  35. Tim Ventura Hutchison PDF:
  36. Hutchison lab shed + camera setup:
  37. CTV News John Hutchison 2005:
  38. John Hutchison 9/11 affidavit:
  39. Police officer DEWed??
  40. Near Death Experiences and Vortices?? and Timothy Sullivan with the MES shoutout!
  41. Seeds grow faster from AC coil structured water:
  42. AC coil rotating and precessing magnets:
  43. final cut pro 10, add filters, Nancy says can see extra details through filters and in RAW iron block footage before YouTube's compression.
  44. Mysterious flashes on 9/11 sent to Andrew Johnson by anonymous author:
  45. Rob Simone behind the scenes footage and more footage:
  46. King Charles baphomet painting.
  47. BCIT magazine news report on Hutchison Effect and neighbor saying an ornament dissolved:
  48. First of 300 mainstream news stories on Hutchison Effect:
  49. Pentagon event 201 exercise in 2000.
  50. First victim on 9/11 genius.
  51. Diddy / META distraction from war et al. (MES Duality: all is a distraction from reality).
  52. John filmed video about MES and Mr. Loveless LOL Dennis kuchinich may have it in Washington DC. Mentions Murray muting his videos:
    • John invigorated by MES livestream LOL
    • His first show was Vancouver Sun CBC Canada. 300+ total and 1000+ radio shows.
    • Simon of Leafield in Scotland bought in bulk. 800 kilos, Simone got everything from scap. California person bought boxes too. Likely disinfo agents removing the samples from circulation. Steven Segal too LOL
  53. Iran WW3 Helicopter crash kills President.
  54. Canucks top goal scorer blood clot
  55. Amazing collection of HD photos of Hutchison Effect samples:
  56. John Hutchison says: Look up my friend dr frankline e Meade ero pint energy
  57. First footage of Hutchison Effect, and possibly teleportation:
  58. John Hutchison statement against "debunkers" and trolls, plus levitation / teleportation videos:
  59. Kurt Eichenwald pedo....
  60. Ace Baker says Simons Shack CGI videos are 99% false... wow. and Jim Fetzer helped him fake his death LOL
  61. Computer Man asked what instrument I played... I was in the group that didn't play any instruments LOL
  62. Freelance cameraman says craziest part is that is all that was left:
  63. Another cameraman in rubble, dust cloud, films Building 7 fuming from one side:
  64. Covid alt-media going viral pushing 9/11 CG
  65. First patent on getting Zero Point Energy from EMF frequency:
  66. ChatGPT CEO is a pedo:
  67. Walter Russell Periodic Table of Elements:
  68. MSM pushing 9/11 Saudi conspiracy theories HAHAHAHA
  69. CBC et al coverage of Hutchison Effect
  70. 9/11 Revisionist June 20 on Chris Rowden Pirate Truth to debunk the earlier interview with Richard Gage.
  71. MH370 plane flies over reticle, aka video fakery:
  72. Aether being pushed big time by alt-media... and mixing with Flat Earth et al.
  73. BrainBridge head transplant:
  74. Trump campaign accepting crypto donations:
  75. John gun Spencer carbine has a weird formation / crack on it, maybe Hutchison Effect.
  76. Nancy Hutchison says Security cameras all over John's Lab. Nancy growing high tech weed. Jesse Ventura lives near by and has his own weed farm.
  • Something approaches the iron block in the video when adding a filter. Final cut pro 6 or 7 not 10 to get the filters.
  • Pendulum opens into and gets out of slit in space. YouTube compression hides it.
    • Field warps around bar. filings were weirdly magnetic, spun around, but video didn't capture it properly.
    • Dr. Ludwick filmed iron bar stuff for 2 weeks. actual video files are gigs big.
    • Oil separation from water with EMF. radioactive contamination rapid cleanup.
    • Water vibration Hutchison Effects are very telling.
  1. Hutchison Inception during the livestream.
  2. MES stop covering mouth while talking near mic.
  3. Freemason NYC mayor Eric Adams rocking the freemason hand signs while considering rescinding P Diddy's key to the city:
  4. There is only 1 quantum of energy and NOT many, as discovered by FractalWoman's modified unit analysis on Planck's constant:
  5. Modern "art" LOL
  6. Ashton Forbes wants to debate on 3 levels of MH370: obviously fake videos, MH370 conspiracy, unrelated Aether topics:
  7. Hutchison Effect and 9/11:
  8. Fire Marshall took down John Hutchison's lab equipment from his Vancouver apartment:
  9. If movie character is key to free energy:
  10. Methlyminer's EPIC list of 9/11 facts:
  11. UK military installing laser weapons.
  12. Tesla Earthquake machine.
  13. Person claims to have made the MH370 videos but Ashton won't debate him:
  14. Great document on Hutchison Effect setup, history, and witnesses:
  15. Dominique Radwanski best friend / partner:
  16. 9/11 Revisionist Odysee account of 500+ videos nuked!
  17. John Hutchison's former wife Halina Kaciki was a remote viewer and alleged prophtet:
  18. Andrew Johnson's early TV fakery days:
  19. Oakland mayor eye blinking:
  20. Trump fake assassination predictive programming:
  21. Find 9/11 levitating videos.
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