Deal It With Nature


Good day, HIVE!!!. It has been a while since I last posted here. Although I always have the desire to write, at the moment I am spending more time dealing with the realities of life.

I meditate, read a lot, and watch videos about maintaining my physical and mental wellness. As someone who suffers from panic disorder and anxiety, I require a lot of guidance so that I am not solely dependent on medication.


I've learnt a lot throughout this time, including the fact that the only people who truly know how to deal with health issues are themselves. regarding panic/anxiety illness in particular.

Apparently I'm not alone because my colleagues who are in the music field who used to work with me apparently experienced the same thing.


Only those who have been diagnosed and really know the condition of someone who is attacked by panic/anxiety know how tiring it is to fight this disease.

In order to express myself and share my experiences with this illness with others, I have joined a number of exclusive groups for mental Illness survivors.


If you want to know whether you have a panic attack or an anxiety attack, the signs are almost the same but there are some differences.

Anxiety attacks happen when something triggers someone and you will feel palpitations, shortness of breath and some will feel like passing out.


As for the panic attack, this attack has no trigger. It will attack suddenly and we will feel chest tightness, fear, the feeling of wanting to die and various feelings that tire the brain and body to think.

But if we are trained and know the signs that an attack is about to happen, we will indeed be able to prevent it from happening. But when we overthink, it will not help us.


It's best to think of positive things when an attack occurs, do breathing technique 4,6,8 (some people use other counting techniques) and meditation.

It is enough to meditate in 5 or minutes a day And the most important thing is sunlight. Walk so that it can help our brain and body to operate.


Because the current weather in Malaysia is quite hot and unsettling. I can only stroll in the sun from around 5 to 6 o'clock in the evening. This time, it's anticipated that the El Nino - related heat wave will last until September.

This is a very precious sight for me who needs natural self-improvement. I am grateful to the nature around me and I am always grateful to God.


Thank you because you still wake up in the morning in a healthy state. I am thankful for being given the opportunity to reach the age of 40. Good health is not only physical, but mental health must also go hand in hand in order to be able to cope with our daily lives.

If you always blame others and like to compare your life with others, you cannot live peacefully. That's all my scribbles today And I thank you for reading my blog this time. Remember, a good mind is a mind that always thinks well and always thinks positively.



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