A dangerous snake killed by the villagers

Snake is a very dangerous animal. Most of the people afraid about it. That's why sometime they become heartless and unmerciful against this animal.

But a matter of great sorrow is the information that this dangerous animal don't even bite anyone spontaneously. It only bite people or other animal only when it becomes frightened about anything. When it thinks that the situation may be harmful for his security, on that time only this animal try to save itself and becomes dangerous.

People don't care about such information. They believe that snake is a very dangerous animal that tends to bite anyone whenever it got any chance. So the mass people think that it's their responsibility to kill snake whenever they find it.

It is very much pathetic, but it's the reality. You will find a common picture in our villages where a lot of people are attacking with bamboo and wood to kill a snake. This is very simple in our country's perspective. I don't know about the other countries.

In this video, I have captured such a snake that is just killed by the villagers. I was not on that place, that's why I had no opportunity to protest the people from this undue job.

I am straight mentioning again that I always in the side against such type of unethical activities. But I am sharing this video just for public awareness..

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