Speak Testnet-Sprint - Some checks on the frontends

I just had some time to check out the newest changes for the speaknetwork frontends - especially the one on dlux.io - here is what i found on bugs/improvements.

BROCA Buy/Sell in Wallet:

If u click the dropdown-button to see more actions regarding the BROCa token the Buy/Sell option coming up. If you click that button, the Power Down for SPK Token Popup Modal comes up. (i think it's just a copy/paste error)



File Details Popup

When u have uploaded a file to the ipfs there are some details that shown regarding the contract and the file itself. the button that shows "File Details" brings up an empty modal popup and showing nothing


MAKING A POST (a bunch of work to do)

When u finally uploaded a File and are able to post about that file to fullfil the contract with the beneficiary there are a bunch of design errors / bugs and stuff that needs to be changed / optimized. let me just drop the stuff here

  • when u click for example heading, the icon not changing or is just broken field


  • thesame happen when u hit the eye icon


  • and when u finally hit the side-by-side view button something very strange happen


when u want to enter the image to the post by clicking the image on the bottom after the publish part a next empty modal title popup windows comes up


adding the image i have pinned to the ipfs network are not rendered in the preview section and i have to manually add a img-tag around it to be visibile ( attention: other hive frontends working fine with just the link)



after i published the post, the screen is not changed and stays - i need to manually refresh the page to see the post is posted successfully

stored files design enhancements


  • the roundes corners are nice - but remove it from the file itself

  • make the title have a better space to the corners

  • filetype next to filetype icon more space

  • why so much space for just showing the filesize in the bottom of the file?

maybe optimize it like this a little bit


allright, thats it for now - will do some more checks tomorrow aswell on other frontends - but in the end, i was able to store files! Yeeeeeehaw!

3 columns
2 columns
1 column
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