Witness Update: Server Back Online & Updated to Latest Version - Plus My Plans For Hive!

@ura-soul witness for HIVE

Following the recent outage, I am happy to announce that my Witness server is back serving blocks and the price feed for Hive. The Hive software has also been upgraded to v1.27.6.

The server I am renting from Privex was also upgraded to use faster storage, although that hasn't yielded the kind of performance increase I was expecting - perhaps due to the shared node being loaded non optimally.

The only way I have of improving this is to run a dedicated server - as I have done in the past. While Hive prices are so low and while I have credit from Privex (due to the cause of my outage being police action against their servers) I will stick with a shared server, but may shift away from Privex and back to a dedicated machine in coming months.


I have shifted my setting for HBD APR % back to 20. I had previously set it to 25 to provide an option for the community members who disagreed with lowering the HBD APR to 15 - that might allow them to vote me up and adjust the situation. Since no-one was that interested to do that, I've lowered it back to 20%.

I had some long conversations with other witnesses about this issue and I stand by the statement that we don't really have enough data to make a solid assessment on whether the APR should be 1%, 15% or 20%.

If the APR is to be used as a 'loss leader' or just a strong selling point for Hive, then it MUST be supported by substantial and intelligently designed marketing materials and education. Neither of these exist and so it is not surprising in the slightest that we have no evidence of the 20% APR helping to drive traffic to Hive. We won't have evidence for 15% or any other APR either, because the world mostly has no clue the offer exists.

My Future on Hive

It might seem, that like a lot of witnesses, I am not paying attention to Hive - since I rarely post. However, the reality is that I have been busy the last year, processing everything related to my Dad's death. My entire family has actually passed on within a few short years, unexpectedly - so I have had to draw my focus away from the internet to some extent.

However, I am still intending to build on Hive and in particular, I am waiting for the Layer 2 technology from @spknetwork to be fully operational. Once that's live I want to work with them to develop and improve the tools needed to build and market L2 communities in the wider world. I'll be doing this, ideally, while running my own community that is oriented towards healing, balancing & evolving humanity in an environment that respects free will. This will be a first for this planet as we have never really understood or respected free will on a large scale.

For now, I continue operating in the background - consulting on different projects from time to time and adding details to my plans for the aforementioned project and community :)

Wishing you well,
Ura Soul

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Note: Witnesses are the computer servers that run the Hive Blockchain.

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I am founder of an ethical Digital Marketing Agency called @crucialweb. We help our clients to grow and innovate online and offer discounts for decentralised projects. Get in touch if you'd like to work with us.

I run a Social network for healing, balancing and evolving too. Meet compassionate co-creators of reality, learn, share & make life better!
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