In terms of financial inclusion, the Asian giant bets on digital Yuan

Hello dear and loyal readers, let this opportunity to socialize content about the aspirations that China has put in the launch of the digital Yuan, remember that for some time now the government of the Asian giant has placed great hopes in the launch of a national cryptocurrency under its control.

The profound impact of introducing something like the Yuan Pay Group platform into the Chinese economy could help reduce the country's reliance on cash, which is currently estimated to account for around 90% of all transactions. An important step forward in terms of financial inclusion is sought, as well as helping to reduce crime and corruption.

In addition, the digital Yuan could also help boost the country's exports by making it easier for Chinese companies to accept foreign currency payments. It could make a significant difference to the country's trade balance and would likely have a positive impact on GDP growth.

Overall, the introduction of the digital Yuan is intended to have a positive impact on the Chinese economy. It could help reduce reliance on cash, boost exports and promote financial inclusion. However, it is worth noting that there are still some risks associated with the launch of the digital currency and these should be carefully considered before its introduction.

China's economy has been on the rise in recent years, thanks mainly to the growth of the country's middle class. As more and more people have disposable income, they spend it on consumer goods and services, which increases demand and helps boost the economy. This new type of currency is similar to Bitcoin in that it is a digital asset that can be used for online transactions. However, the Chinese government has been working to develop and promote its use within the country, hoping to improve its market.

First, it could help reduce dependence on the U.S. currency. Currently, many Chinese companies trade in dollars when doing business with foreign partners. They may suffer instability if its value fluctuates. By promoting the use of the digital Yuan, the Chinese government can help insulate the country's economy from such fluctuations.


Economist. The digital yuan offers China a way to dodge the dollar. Link


The cover image was designed by the author: @lupafilotaxia, incorporating image: Fpri

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