Brief Thoughts After 18 Months With No Blog or Feed

Winter of 2022 I walked away from Hive and the rest of the internet. Deleted my YT, deleted my Telegram, deleted my Odysee, deleted my Hive content.

It was probably one of the best choices I've ever made in my life. Not ever checking headlines, not waiting for notifications, no "comments" or likes... Just the real world, with my friends, and all the ever-abundant magic that the universe has to offer.

For a few weeks this winter I rejoined Telegram, and created a Twitter account for the first time - both mostly to promote $CULT - by far the most exciting crypto project I've come across since 2016 when I actually thought Steem could be something different.

Needless to say, I deleted both of those channels pretty fast as well. I don't like the feeling of social media, of the notifications, of the likes & follows & blah-blah-blah.

It's just so clear that it's all designed to fire off neurochemicals, and to get people addicted.

He says, as he types into a blog post.

Yes, I get the joke too.

Makes me think of a few lines from this awesome track by Chris Webby.

It did feel good to get some nice comments from old Steem/Hive friends over here, and there's been this funny thing recently of people who I had talked to about the platform since 2016, who are suddenly ready to start blogging, or to leave Fedbook, or whatever.

The world is a funny place.

So... What's up in Kenny's world?

Over the last two months, I've been really stepping up my game in terms of booking, producing, and otherwise supporting the musical friends. I took a deep dive into how Spotify and its algorithms run, things like Tourbox and Bandsintown, etc.

I'm putting on a full-day conference on September 30th, out in Colorado.

Getting ready for a full cross-country "Conscious Variety Show" tour with some good friends as well.


My "Real Life The Role-Playing Game" book has gone from being a 30ish page zine (8.5x5.5") to currently well over 100 pages at 8.5x11 - and still has a TON to be added, revised, etc.

I started making my Cannabis Honey again as well.

New high point of my life this last winter in Morelia for The Greater Reset for sure, and it's been pretty amazing since. Got back to the USSA at the beginning of April, and basically did nothing but relax in the woods and read books until mid-July haha.

Much love beautiful humans!

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