I can't take your "news" seriously if you don't know how to spell

Because so many people have such a distrust in the media - which I believe the MSM truly deserves - a lot of people out there like me are looking for alternative sources for what is going on in the world. This can be a double-edged sword because many times the individuals who are doing their reporting are just as biased, if not more so, than the MSM is. Also, and this is a huge disadvantage for independent journalists, a great many of these people are morons who just happened to stumble upon a rather large audience because of their timing in the game.

One of these "news sources" is The Five8 who rose to prominence when Australia was being extra tyrannical during Covid lockdown times and were restricting their mainstream media just like the rest of the world.


I've listened to a few of their podcasts and they are pretty good once you start to understand "Strailyen" words. They flow really well on their reports that don't seem to be rehearsed a great deal and this is a good thing. I don't want a rehearsed speech because that is exactly what MSM is. This also explains how Joe Rogan is the number one news source in the world right now. He doesn't prepare for a lot of what goes on during his shows because he couldn't possibly know what his guest is going to throw at him.

Getting back to TF8 though. While their podcast is generally wonderful and I like to hope a bit insightful, their print updates on various messengers like Telegram is just abysmal. It's constantly riddled with mistakes that makes me wonder if they even bother to edit what they put up there, which has always been something that was available on Telegram, even if it is individual to individual. This isn't Twitter, you can go back and correct your mistakes.


They are correct in stating that no media is talking about this but who is going to take you seriously when you don't even know the difference between Oprah and opera?


What they are actually referring to is that someone in Australia projected a "Z" on the iconic Sydney Opera House and in case you don't know the "Z" is meant to be supporting Russian troops in the Ukraine/ Russian conflict.

poor image, best I could find

The news here is that the man responsible was arrested and is reportedly a Russian pensioner living in Australia. Not exactly huge news but still newsworthy I guess since we all treat the world like our own episodes of Jerry Springer these days.

TF8 really could benefit themselves by running what they write on their updates past an 8th grader for spelling and grammar errors. I'm not tying to be a grammar-nazi by pointing this out but come on guys! How can we take what you report seriously when you make these sorts of errors all the time? This isn't an isolate incident. Roughly 1/4 of what they put up on their news updates has some sort of problem like this and the sad part is that it doesn't seem to be trolling or done intentionally to get attention.

I respect TF8 for all the reporting they did when Australian government and news were working overtime to hide the atrocities that they were committing on their own people during lockdown, but if they carry on like this they won't have an audience for long.


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