Convenience store clerk beats customer nearly to death over taking too much nacho cheese

A headline like this would make me believe that I am going to be sent to another wild ride about that crazy part of the world that we call Florida but not this time! In this cheesy incident we have to go all the way over to Nevada and land in Las Vegas to find a store clerk that was so enraged by a customer that he not only kicked him out of the store but then followed the man to beat him mercilessly with a baseball bad, nearly killing him.

Now I don't think that convenience store work is a very rewarding job. I know this first hand because I worked at one when I was a teenager and it was mind-numbingly boring and routine. I suppose this is why a lot of the clerks at these stores either seem extremely animated just to mix up the tedium, or they just seem lifeless. One man though, seems as though it was a plan from a higher power for him to protect the nacho cheese of this world and that is exactly what he did.


If you don't live in the United States perhaps you have never seen one of these contraptions but basically it is a heater of sorts that turns a can of yellow goo into something that can easily be pumped on top of tortilla chips and even though you are certainly aware that there is no nutritional value in this substance, it kind of beckons you to it. In most convenience stores this pump is left out for the customer to use as much of it as they want on their make-it-yourself nachos and I am sure a lot of people take a great deal of it because the prices is the same if you take a gram or a gallon of the stuff.

The aptly named Myron Bullie took great offense to one customer taking too much cheese in Las Vegas though, and then when the police arrived he attempted to justify his actions by saying the unidentified and now hospitalized customer was also "talking shit."

I don't think that Bullie is the most humanitarian person you are ever going to meet nor is he particularly intelligent because these are his words when giving a report once arrested and at the police station

“Don’t talk [expletive] to me...Now everyone gonna see this and they’re gonna know never to talk [expletive] to me,”

Yeah dude, I suppose that is true. But now you are charged with assault and also attempted murder and well, you are likely to end up with some people trying to steal a bit more than nacho cheese on the inside of a prison block.

Bullie told police that he had to throw the customer out of the store which there is CCTV camera footage of. This would have been the end of it but Bullie apparently got so worked up about the guy "talking shit" that he felt compelled to continue to follow and beat the guy after he was already out of the store. Then a bit later, Bullie left the store AGAIN to attack the cheese-fan to another business and then slam him on the head with a baseball bat, breaking his skull open and causing multiple facial fractures in the process.


I think we all have our breaking point as far as our patience is concerned but only the truly dangerous people in society are ever going to think that cracking someone over the head with a baseball bat is a good and necessary idea, particularly after said person has already left the scene. While the incident's start could be somewhat attributed to the person taking "too much" cheese, a deadly reaction is hardly warranted. Bullie better hope that his victim doesn't die because if he does, he could be spending the rest of his life behind bars. I would imagine that there are plenty of really tough people there too, so if Bullie tries to continue to be a bully, he is going to get a very painful lesson in life.

He belongs behind bars and even if the cheese-man hadn't provoked him that day, this likely would have happened in some other capacity later.


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