Why Does "Communism" Even Exist?


This is one of those weird questions.

Why does "communism" even exist?

The reality does not match the sales pitch.
And it can't. Logically (human logic) it can't.

(now, maybe if we were ants, and had hive logic, communism is just the way we would think)

And, if communism cannot logically exist, then were did it come from?
Why does it exist? Why is there a group of people that are so hell bent on getting communism, that they would spend centuries corrupting govern-cement and schools to corrupt the young. To indoctrinate them into thinking that communism can exist. (they had to take logic out of the school curriculum)

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Communism - definition

"That wasn't real communism!"

Communism is a form of gover-cement where the govern-cement owns/controls all the means of production.

It is not an existence where nobody owns anything and everyone just shares.
It is not an existence where the workers own the means of production.

It is an existence where the govern-cement owns everything, and everyone owns nothing.
An existence where a person, can at any time, have the things that they thought were theirs. Family heirlooms, pictures, kitchen utensils, the apartment they lived in all their life… all can be removed by the state. You do not own anything, and the govern-cement makes no pretences that you do.

Of course, there is the other definition of communism, the place where all the good sounding parts of communism was stolen from. Communes. Communal living. Or basically large family groups. Where certain members of the group look out for, and provide for the group. And each member does what they can to support the group.

Sounds great to have someone looking out for you. However, this doesn't scale. The people in govern-cement are so removed from the masses, that they cannot care. Further, in the commune, there is lots of ownership. There is lots of shared property. But, in total, the commune owns everything. And it becomes very apparent when any one person is hurting the commune.

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Communism cannot exist because people get attached to things

One of the core tenants of Communism is that no one owns anything. Property rights are abolished.

This is why communism is anti-human logic. A human becomes attached to things. And works to create those things. And that person feels it is theirs. This is just the basics of how a human operates.

Two people can make mugs out of clay, and each will have a preference for the mug they made. Even with the little imperfection. Maybe, especially with the imperfection.

A child will often have a favorite blanket. Something that as soon as they feel it, they become much calmer.

People get attached to where they are staying. And often will not move to a better place because they cannot bear to leave the place they are at. It is the old trope of trying to buy out an old person out of their house so that the big developer can build a mall, or skyscraper. If we didn't have this attachment, getting a check for 10x the value of your house would be a no brainer. Just go get yourself a better house. But that is not the way things work in the real world.

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Communism cannot exist because people aren't really motivated for the "public good"

Now, don't get me wrong, people are very giving when they have their base needs met. But they do not work for nebulous goal of "the public good"

When there labor is taken away, and they really do not see how it is helping them directly, it lacks motivation. This is a problem that most large corporations are facing. When the actual end product is not in their purview, there is no motivation. When you are just a cog, you act like just a cog. You stop doing more than the bare minimum.

A person needs to see that the product they are working on is wanted and loved. They also need to see a correlation between work and income. (income could just be good feelings). But, when a person is separated from this, then we get soul crushing jobs. And that is all the jobs that exist under communism.

Communism IS soul crushing jobs. It follows from its definition, as surely as night follows day.

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Communism cannot exist because of the Pareto Principal

Every worker is not equal to every other worker.
Some are good at one thing, others at another thing.

And even if the two specialize in the same field, one will be better at it.

In fact, one will be so much better as to produce 5x more work than the others.

Pareto Principal - 80% of the output is produced by 20% of the workers.

Now, if everyone is supposed to be a cog, then the star performer will learn to keep their head down and not exceed, or they will get removed. The communist govern-cement cannot tolerate these outliers. They are "bad for morale". And the star performer doesn't get anything extra by performing extra.

Thus, the communist system does not work with humans who are naturally diverse.

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Communism is so alien to humans, that it has been postulated to have come to us from aliens who have a hive mentality.

Or, the other explanation is that those people in charge, the illuminati, those Mother WEFers, the Khazarian Mafia want complete control. They see all the humans, as we would see farm animals. Stupid, and they should just do their job. So, the people in charge reverse engineered a govern-cement system that would give them what they want. Them in complete control.

Either way, communism is not good for humanity.

"But, the brochure! Look at the brochure! Brotherly love, and everyone cares for everyone. Where we don't have to worry about starving!"

Except, starvation IS the outcome of communism. Communism + human nature = starvation. By definition.

Humanity shouldn't be discussing communism (as a govern-cement practice) except as a case study so that future generations can avoid this kind of trap.

But, here we are. With a large part of populations demanding for us to take up communism.
It is like some group of aliens are trying to get us to kill ourselves.

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All images in this post are my own original creations.

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