The Lies About "Clean" Nuclear Energy Are Worse Than You Expect


Those who support nuclear energy usually post something like the left half of this graphic. And they never go into the downsides of nuclear energy as practiced today. (on the right half)


And those supporters of nuclear energy never go into things like renewability, or long term consequences or nuclear mining.

The infographic is clearly showing that nuclear fuel is the most energy dense material, but that is absolutely meaningless. Unless you are building a space ship (or weather balloon) that has to be as light as possible. But, for most of us Terrans stuck here on earth, the energy density is of little importance.

What is important is how much energy out, for energy in you get. And for how long.

Like, the wood, at the bottom of the density chart, is the only renewable energy in the list. If you use an efficient burning method, like a rocket heater, you get lots of heat, and it grows back/more every year. It is quite easy to store. Perfectly safe for the environment. And easy/non-hazardous to transport. Unlike everything else in the list.

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The known dangers of Nuclear Power

Nuclear energy is the most expensive, most environmentally destructive, most dangerous way to boil water.

We all know that the nuclear fuel stays radioactive/dangerous for centuries after it is burnt out enough to no longer boil water. So, even if it stays contained, doesn't get out, doesn't melt down, it is still very dangerous and no plan to store it has been fool proof.

What most people do not know is that everything that comes near the fuel is also radioactive for a time. Wire, steel, concrete, the containment vessel (and you never know when that might disintegrate) the water, the heavy water…

All of that must be stored safely for a long time.

Now, these things aren't as permanent as the nuclear-fear crowd would have you believe. Nature has ways of breaking all this stuff down. It is really good at repairing itself. However, i suggest we really do not burden mother earth more than we have to.

Chernobyl is going back to nature quite well.

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Not clean energy

"Nuclear is clean energy" is only applicable during the small time where it is being used to create electricity. It does not include the time before that and the time after it.

The same as saying a battery is "clean energy". If you ignore all the mining, production and charging, then you can say that it is "clean energy"

Uranium mining is horrible on the environment around the mine.
Getting that stuff in the air (what happens when mining and processing) really destroys everything around.


And this mine is nothing, look up pictures of the uranium enrichment factory buildings.

It's like coal mining, but worse.

And it is a LOT of work to get those precious few ounces of radioactive material.

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What they do not tell you about nuclear energy

If what i spoke about above was all the danger/destruction related with nuclear, boiling water, power, then we could work with that. However, it is not. The stuff is FAR more dangerous AND!!! it is a really stupid way of using uranium.

If you ask a psychic who is able to see, they ALL describe a nuclear power plant as the swirling black vortex sucking life in.

And since we do not believe psychics, i will discuss "contractors". These are men who go into a nuclear facility and remove things. (so that the trained plant engineers don't have to do it) These men are carefully controlled. They have badges that add up how much radiation they have been exposed to. And there is limits per day and per lifetime.

So, the life of a "contractor" is a few days on, weeks off. However, even though they have weeks off, they will call in sick 50% of the time. It is not that they are sick with a disease, they just have no will to live. Like their life forces has been sucked out of them.

This is the destruction, life destruction, that is happening in a normal, everything functioning as it should, nuclear reactor.

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The biggest reason we should stop wasting uranium.

Using… burning up uranium to boil water is SHTUPID.

What if i told you that uranium could be used for centuries to provide motion. No boiling water. No bringing it close to other radioactive materials to cause it to burn itself. Just, straight, motion.

If you knew this, wouldn't you do everything you could to stop wasting the precious little uranium we have?

Well, it is true. (except we have to give up on the laws of thermodynamics.) For every action there is not always an equal and opposite reaction. And radioactive material is one way to get around that law.

In the future, we will be able to create a device that just provides thrust. There is already a working prototype using microwave radiation. We will find it works better with uranium.

And then it is a small step to having the uranium spin a wheel.

So, why are we wasting this precious stuff, to do something so dangerous, with little results (it is very inefficient to boil water, after doing so much work to get uranium extracted)

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And the worst thing is, people keep pushing "clean nuclear" while there are alternatives. Alternatives that can be implemented today, if only govern-cement would get out of the way.

Wave energy, Geothermal energy, Real solar, Magnet motors, bioreactors…

Hell, we don't even burn trash in most places. Tons of trash is produced, almost all of it burnable for electricity. Instead of stuffing it in the ground and having it rot, producing tons of methane "cow farts".

TPTshouldn'tB want us reliant on "their" energy. They do not want us to be efficient, or self reliant. These "elite" probably know about the destructive nature of nuclear power, and want more of that as well.

"Clean nuclear energy" is a lie. And the truth is not all out there. Even to me who knows a great deal about this.

Like, why/how did Hitlery Clintonian sell a big pile of uranium to Russia? It should not have been able to happen. It should not have been allowed to transport out of America. Where was the CIA? Where was the SEC? Where was the Nuclear Regulatory Commision?

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All images in this post are my own original creations.

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