The Future of Police Officers - It Looks Grim


All of us have heard of the ultra-left, slit-their-own-throats movement of "Defund the Police". And many anarchists' response was, yeah, go for it, i don't need the police to protect me.

I am going to try to talk about all the pieces involved, and how they are moving, about

The Future of Police Officers.

It is not nice. It is not pretty. And frankly, it is terrifying.

"If you have one murderer on a police force of 1000, you do not have 1 bad cop, you have 1000 bad cops"

"Police (officers) are the largest, best organized, best funded, gang"

"Never talk to a police officer"

"Police officer are under no obligation to protect people."

All of these quotes are true, and that is really bad.

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The state of Police Officers now

People say that police officers are there to protect us. That there would be a lot more crime if they weren't there.

Well, all we can truly say is that the criminals have to sneak around, and do things where people aren't watching. So, they don't attract the eye of the police.

However, there have been towns that have lost their police force (for various monetary reasons) and nothing happened, or crime went down.

What has happened is that criminals are no longer in danger. What can a police officer do to a criminal? Put him in jail. Serve him 3 square meals. Give him a place to sleep. Harsh punishment there.

On the flip side, your average middle class person is in REAL danger. Even being arrested. Just going to jail for three days, can lead to this person losing their job, losing their stuff, losing their life. With an arrest record, you have to explain to every potential employer, (if they don't just round file your application) why you got arrested. And, we assume, where there is smoke, there is fire.

Police officers' number one duty is to write traffic tickets. A random tax on people doing what people normally do. If you say, they were breaking the law and needed to be punished, well, i wish things were so, but:

  • the law should be about what most people do, else it is not a law
  • it is a code violation, there is no law involved.
  • there was a city, where EVERYONE started doing the speed limit. So they raised the fines on tickets. Can't have the city going without revenue.

In some cities, the police officers have permission to stop and frisk. Basically, anyone walking down the street can be treated like a criminal. And, everyone there knows the officer can make up anything, or set them up with dropped evidence. So, the people, the good people live in terror. The criminals just openly hate the po-po.

And this is the GOOD police

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The bad apples

There are police officers who use their privilege to intimidate and get their jollies beating up people. Some of them call it, "putting the fear of God in them". But, they just enjoy being bullies.

Police forces are now using stealth (no noticeable lights / markings) vehicles to catch more traffic violators. Well, there goes the idea that the police are there as a noticeable deterrent to criminals. Further, they are jeopardizing the citizenry who can now be "pulled over" by criminals just their to rob them.

There are groups of police officers who are buying up their city. They buy up the good real estate. Often they intimidate or harass (as only public servants can) the people into selling.

There are murderers on the police force. Yes, straight up murderers. They get people killed, then their friends show up and say, "its a clear case of suicide". No real investigation. They walk around like they are untouchable, and for the most part, they are.

Then we have Waco and Ruby Ridge as examples of police overreach. Where they were clearly wrong, and then swept it all under the rug.

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The future

A lot of police forces are going to try to implement community outreach programs. Telling everyone that they are good cops. And they will be doing this while doing everything a bad cop does.

As govern-cements need more money, the police are going to be doing a lot more ticketing. While the public is already getting squeezed for all they have.

Crime is on the rise, so officer "friendly" will start intimidating all the edgy kids. And this will continue into the burbs.

Basically, the police are going to feel more and more like the Stasi. We see it in the UK right now, where people who stabbed others are let go, but people who post words about this on social media are jailed. It is going to get far worse.

Then the police officers see that they are losing their reputation, and they try to say, "Hey, we are part of the community", but since they continue to do things bad for the community, it won't work.

The police officers become more and more feared/hated.

Police States always end with all the police dead.

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The number one problem with police officers is that they are officers of the court. (they work for the banks)

When you work for the banks, you are against the people. And so, everything you do will be wrong.

  • 50% of homicides are not even investigated. CSI is a complete piece of propaganda.
  • Thieves are rarely caught
  • Goods taken from criminals are almost never returned to their owners (then sold at auction)
  • The police steal more (asset forfeiture) than the reported amount stolen by criminals

People do not feel good / safe having a police officer around. Instead, they are terrified. This is not good.

The public is going to turn against the police, as the police have already turned against the public.
(yes, in all police magazines, the public is featured as the enemy)

We are going to have to redefine policing to turn it into something good.

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All images in this post are my own original creations.

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