Run Away From the Cities; Run Towards A Homestead and Your Tribe


Things are getting bad in the cities.

Cities are not the place to be in the future. Leave the cities.

But, more importantly, finding your "family", your tribe, is equally important. And then moving to a place where you can build a homestead.

Yes, you should run away from the cities, but likewise you should run towards your clan.

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There is no normal, is the new normal.

There won't be anything one could describe as a "normal"for about 50 years. Changes are coming. And more changes.

TPTshouldn'tB are hoping to set the new "normal". Living in 15 minute cities, under their panopticon, where you are afraid to rise up against them. Unfortunately, for them, they have failed. They do not know what they are up against.

We are going to see:

  • Earth changing natural disasters.
  • Balkanization of most countries.
  • Civil wars all over the earth.
  • All the Bigs falling apart and turning to dust.
  • The elite, named, identified and hunted.
  • Ice age
  • Food shortages
  • Giant organic food, like you haven't seen before.
  • Clean, continuous, perpetual energy

And this isn't even mentioning the political changes that are coming. Better ways of working together will be birthed in people's minds.

Change will seemingly be the new normal.

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There is no reason to stay in cities

It used to be that we all gathered in cities to perform manufacturing. Cities grew by adding the support industries. Cities were the place were jobs were.

Not any more. We shipped away all of our manufacturing. There isn't anything to support the cities except that they are cities.

A city doesn't survive when it stops being productive. Look at New York. They seem to be surviving… not really. They think the got the financial industry, but they don't make anything but debt. And soon, it will all crumble. The big apple is already rotten to the core.

Look at what has happened to Detroit. All of that development to support the auto industry. So much of it abandoned as manufacturing got shipped out. And the destructive blight is seen everywhere.

Now, we have people insisting on working from home. (about time) And now, all the big commercial buildings are becoming ghost towns.

However, with this, the industries built around servicing these people working in the commercial sectors are collapsing.

The most important thing about cities, the jobs, are leaving, if not gone already.

The stores are leaving. So many are already closed.
Even Starbucks is closing stores.

There will soon only be poor, jobless people left in the cities. There will be gangs. There will be riots. There will be food riots.

There will be no entertainment, fine dining, or any reason that people choose to live near cities.

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Finding your tribe

One of the most important thing to do now is find the people you resonate with. The group that has the same morals as you.

People who will have your back during these tumultuous times, these changing times. People you can trust to watch your animals when you are gone for a day. Because, you will be growing food together. You ability to survive will be based on your group.

Further, it is a much better way for humans to live. Not in a big city with people that you don't know, all crowded together. But surrounded by friends, at least acquaintances. People that you know. A small enough group that you can know them all.

So, when a child grows up, they grow up in a cohesive and safe environment (safe as in, you know the everyone. The neighbor isn't a paedo that no one knows about yet. There isn't a panel van that says "free candy")

Children aren't growing up where they have to make new friends each year. (more importantly not losing friends at the end of each school year)

You are surrounded by people who are looking out for your interests.

Soon, we will have real communities again. Be on the look out for this.

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You need to run away from the cities, and run towards your "family".

A far better way of living awaits us.
However, things are falling apart right now, and things are going to get very dangerous in the cities.

Keep your looking up, so you can avoid falling masonry. The old world is crumbling.

The institutions that seemingly ruled our lives, are just going away. Yes, this includes the DMV. All the Bigs will be falling over and turning to dust.

There will be nothing left supporting the cities. No reason to live in the cities. And EVERY reason to live on a homestead with all your closest friends.

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All images in this post are my own original creations.

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