Do Photons Even Exist?


From the minds of those who believe everything has to be a particle, that everything is grit, then, of course, light has to be a particle. There can be no other explanation. Light is photons! We've measured them!

Modern Materialistic Science has grit on the brain.

The ideas of photons is so ludicrous, anyone who actually thinks about it for a while, will come up with many contradictions and impossibilities that conclude that the ideas of photons (as particles) should just be discarded.

Again, all of these "scientific" troubles could have been avoided if we just hadn't given up on the Luminiferous Aether.

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Light from distant stars

Lets say there is a star, a relatively close star, only 10 light years away (94,607,304,725,808,000 meters) and you, and your friend are up on a dark mountain top viewing it. You and your friend are standing about 1 meter apart, and talking about it, and how it twinkles.

So, we assume, you and your friend are each receiving at least one photon. (and our eyes are just that sensitive, they have to be for any of this particle nonsense to work)

Think about the triangle formed between you, your friend and the star. The angle between the line star-you and star-friend is so small, most calculators cannot compute it. tan θ = 1 / 94,607,304,725,808,000. That angle is so small, that near the stars the photons must be packed right next to each other. Everything near the star is obliterated.

If you computer the number of photons in the sphere around the star (think of one every meter, across 20 light years), that is so many photons that it gives number of atoms a run for its money. (but they all must have came from an atom…)

And, this of course is only half of the story, because, you do not lose sight of the star if you are 0.95 meters away from your friend. So, the actual numbers are even larger, even more ludicrous. x2 for 0.5 meters. x5 for 0.2 meters

Then think about every start shooting off this many photons. Any cubic meter of space has so many photons that it would form a black hole (photons, as a particle, has a little bit of weight)

It makes no sense that the way we see is by photons hitting our eyeballs when we look up at a distant star, or an even more distant galaxy. That is just way too many photons. (i didn't even add time into this, so all those photons are shot off each second)

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Light is a wave ??!!!

Think about that. You have been told that light is a wave and a particle for all your life. So, you just gloss over it.

"Light is a wave"

If i gave you a bucket, and asked you to go down to the ocean and get yourself a bucket of wave, could you do it? Or, do you, no matter how hard you try, end up with a bucket of water, the wave being absent?

A wave isn't a thing, it is something being done, a force in motion.

A person waving is not a wave. They are waving their hand/arm.

A wave is an action in a medium. A transfer of energy across that medium.

Now, if only we had some kind of media that light could be waving through… hmmm

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Dual Slit Experiment - Advanced Model

The Dual Slit Experiment is a well known area of physics that produces unexplained results. (yes, there are explanations, but they are unproven hand waving)

A beam of light, shown at a single slit produces a single line behind it.
When shown at a double slit, it produces an interference pattern.

This is where the idea of particle-wave comes from. In the single slit, light acts like particles. In the double slit, it acts like waves.

However, this experiment was done with single electrons, that passed through the double slits, and interfered with itself… Unless someone was watching for which slit it went through, then it acted like a particle.

Now, the real kicker. The much more advanced test shows that there is even time involved. If you look for the photon, after it went through the slits, it will affect how the photon went through the slits. (affect, in the past)

So, not only is the photon a wave and/or a particle, but also has temporal properties.

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If we give up on a pulse of light "photon" as being a particle. If we get out of the whole everything is a particle paradigm, then it is far easier to discuss what light is and come up with theories that work easily, instead of getting off into particle/wave/time complexities.

The Luminiferous Aether provides a medium which light travels through. The stuff in which the light wave waves.

It also explains electric and magnetic waves, all tied up together with a neat little bow.

In such (there are several theories right now) theories, light is a wave front travelling out from its source, and can affect anyone that intercepts its growing sphere. This also explains why we see black at night. If light travelled forever, then any place you looked up in the sky would be staring at a star's surface. With an infinite universe, there is likely a star everywhere you look. But, we don't see that. So, the current explanation is that the universe is too young for all those other star's light to have reached earth. But, a better explanation is that light diminishes as it travels further (same energy covering more area) and so most areas we look at are just "background radiation"

We have so much to learn, and the only thing apparent is that forcing everything into the particle model really keeps us from finding out what is what. Warning, the Modern Materialistic Science will not give up its grip on the grit. It is their religion. It is their god.

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All images in this post are my own original creations.

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