My Dislikes Over My Neighbor.

Life is always interesting and fun when you have a good neighbor. Having a good neighbor with a lot of great impacts is quite interesting you know. I once had a neighbor. He is really a good guy but guess what he has his good side smaller than his bad side. You should know what I mean,his actually good in some aspect,his hardworking,his intelligent his all good but there's these ones that terrifies him
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It all started when he parked in the same compound with me ,he lives on the nextdoor close to mine. I actually parked in before him so I welcome him calmly, helped him unpacked and all that . He's was actually good 😊
A month later his behavior started changing maybe he didn't want to show it then but now is all out and am a kind of person that observes someone before i get use to the person..... He is now known by everyone in the street cos he's very jovial

But there this particular attitude he displayed at home.... Which is playing loud music at odd hours, I'm a music lover but then playing them at odd time is one thing I don't like Doing or playing my music so loud that you can't hear, no I like noisy environments. Because of my medical profession, I do read at night, sometimes I may work all through the day and rest at night. This guy will always be playing music very loud and noisy, I tried talking to him as a friend and neighborhood he only reduce for like two days I was happy he have changed, before you know it lols it started again, then I had no other option than to involve the landlord although he is not around but he came around and talked to him about the rules, he made him realize that he is not the only one in the building, after the discussion with our landlord like he stop and changed and that feeling I was like wow I can't even talk some sense into you.
This days he do play his music cool even to the extent I do enjoy it now, at my interest time.

Although that's this one behavior he does that I also dislike, and I have tried talking to him about it, My always sock his clothes in the water with bucket most times not even with powder detergent he do forget to washing those clothes out for like two, three days and you can tell how bad it can smell. One day I had a visitors and my room is a door after his and these clothes are the bucket and it haven't been washed and the kind of things that I breathe in ohh my God, I have to inform him not to stop it, is wasn't easy at all being in all these situations.

People are different and the way they do there thing that seems good to them may not really be the same on your end, as faces are different same with there behaviors and attitude. But when you get to approach you will realize that, it is either the way they grow up or ignorance.

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