Wonderful images to view

Good morning dear members of hive community, I wish to share three wonderful pictures of things I recently took. Photography is now the talk of the town these days and our phones has been helping us alot which is very good. I just want to thank God that phones came into existence and we can now snap and save pictures anyhow we like. Let's quickly talk about these images.

The plantain farm

I went to my friend's house few days ago and I entered his room so that we can do our assignments together. We were to draw and label different animals and submit it and I was excited we successfully did that and also submitted it. My friend can drawing very well and I have been working hard day by day to ensure I can draw more than him. We both made sure our pencils were ok before we started drawing.


When we were done drawing and labelling, I went to the window and looked at downstairs, his house is a storey building. Immediately I looked at the next compound at the back of their house, I saw lots of plantain trees and my friend told me is a plantain farm and I was so amazed. I immediately took pictures of it so that I can share it with you guys here.

The earpod

Yesterday my elder sister celebrated her birthday and my elder brother has been wondering what he will give her as a gift. I told him to buy earpod for her and he smiled immediately and said is a very good idea and he called me a genius and I was so excited. He even asked me how I managed to remember such a very nice thing to buy and I told him that I know all these things that he wants me to give him more.


My brother quickly went to where phone accessories are being sold and he bought the earpod for her, I couldn't ask him the price because I was too excited that my sister is finally using an earpod and am very sure she will allow me to be using it. Earpods are very amazing and cool, we do have different ones in the market.

The pawpaw

Fruits are very wonderful and nutritious, I always love eating fruits thrice a week because I know it's benefits. My friend's father plants alot and he's very good at that, he has successfully planted many yams, maize, pawpaw and banana before, most especially that of bananas.


My friend's father gave me a pawpaw the day I went to their house to play football, he harvested 3 pawpaws that weren't very ripe yet. He asked me if I will love to take one home and I agreed. I became excited and went home with the pawpaw. Immediately I arrived home, I shared it with my family and it was wonderful.

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