loving myself

Good day, amazing people of hive block chain. Welcome back to my blog. I am so delighted to have you guys on my blog today. I will be writing about #inleomonthly prompt day 4. Topic: What are those features about yourself that you love? Self-love is very important before you will love someone else. You need to love yourself first before you can be able to extend your love to someone else. Most people know how important self-love is.


Wow, I am so happy that I have the opportunity to talk about some features I love about myself. Seriously, I am wonderful made of, i most say, so as humans, we are all wonderful made and we are unique. We have that one thing that we love and cherish about ourselves.

One of the features that I love about myself is my ability to handle challenges. My family people will always call me a strong girl because there is no amount of challenge that will come to my life that I will not be able to stand or handle. Most of the time, when I look at myself and how I was able to handle the challenges, I will smile at myself. Of course, life has really been challenging; if I didn’t tell you what I passed through, you will never know. No matter the challenges, I always wear a smiling face. My colleague will always ask me, Cindy; we have never seen you sad. Is it that you don’t have life challenges? I will look at them and smile. The way I wear a smiley face even in my difficult moments made me love myself more.

I just love the fact that I don’t allow the challenges of life to take better part of me. These features have really helped me to stand up to challenges and face them.


One other feature I love about myself is that I am so grateful for the little things I have. I am this kind of person who does not move with friends, acquire, or have this alone. It makes me love myself, and it helps not to live above my budget. The act of being grateful made me love myself the more because no matter what you have, I will never move with it. In conclusion, I am content with what I have.

I love the fact that I love the things of God. I don't joke with my God when it is time for me to pray. I will do that because the fact that I am alive is because of him. I love doing things that have to do with my creator.

Another feature I love about myself is that I have a pure heart. I easily forgive people when they offend me. I believe that one’s the friend who offends me; sincerely apologise; we are cool. There is no need to bear grudges for days. I just love the fact that I easily forgive people who offend.

Another feature that I love about myself is the fact that I love learning new things. I am this kind of person who loves reading and doing research on things I don't know. I love acquiring knowledge.

This is my entry on the ongoing #inleomonthly #octoberinleo day 4. What features do you love about yourself?

Thank you for stopping by my blog. I really appreciate your comments, support, and upvotes. Do have a lovely weekend.

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