Fear and procrastination: Two true dream killers

Having arrived at home after a hectic and a stressful day, I thought in my mind that I had no task is meant for me to be carried as it was night already that the following day would be used for struggle and hustle.


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In my view, I have always thought that nights are period of rest while days are periods of work, struggle and hustle. Having concluded that all my nights of mine which the nature has given me are for nothing but rest, I happily laid on me back on my foamy mattress and few minutes after then, I was totally lost in the complete state of slumber.


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Not quite a long, nature gently tapped me at my back and I woke up from my slumber. Having woken up, my guest (nature) started injecting these facts and reality to me. Although, just waking up, my body system were not perfectly active but I could hear the nature's word of reality. It said and I quote:

"Surely, goals are achieved, dreams are realized and success are attained with unquantifiable sufferings, numerous pain and self determination couple with substantial bravery, who has lofty dreams or goals turns his night of rest to night of work. Anyone who intends greatness does not subject himself to total slumber throughout his night. Anyone who intends to mine precious stone dives to the deepest and darkest part of the ocean. He who intends to be great without stress and pain lost his valuable life in seeking impossibilities. Lofty achievements are driven by lofty decisions and bravery. The honour of an individual lies in aiming loftiness".

Having heard all these factual words of inspiration, motivation and encouragement, I still never found those words as factual and also worthy of being pondered over. I found them to be a threat to my mid night slumber.Afterall, I went back to the state of slumber which I was because I was woke up by the nature and having being in this state, I got another gentle wake up tap at my back and another inspiration with bunch of words of wisdom and reality were said to me. This time around, I was fully awake and my body system was active and perfect that I obviously observed that the darkness of the night was thick, everything was silent that the only sound which was audible and clearly heard was clock's tick, the nature then spoke to me gently and aloud just like the gentle movement of the cloud.
Having observed that I was attentive and ready to listen with full rapt attention, he humbly spoke to me as follows

" If an individual aspire for a successful life, it's of no doubt that he must response to the calls of nature sorrounding success that pain precedes gain. There's no doubt that his nights of pain appears before its gradual disappearance and there's no doubt that he'll be free from the shackles of difficulties that's likely to tie him down. He who aim greatness must ride his pains like a horse in achieving it, whoever fears the climbing of mountain shall live his whole live in holes and ditches".
Having finished his word of motivation and inspiration, the nature was about to take his exit and on reaching the exit door, he turned to me and said
"O humble soul, beware of two recipe of dream killers, fear and procrastination".
My guest took his exit after giving me this last priceless advice and warning.


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The warning kept repeating and echoing itself in my mind.
While alone and pondering over the facts and realities nature has taught me. I then decided to dive into the depth of ocean of wisdom and reality and ponder over the teachings of nature and concluded that Fear and procrastination are the real two true dream killers.
The narrative above is just a fictional account of my thoughts when I was alone, pondering why most dreams are not achieved. The guest and his teaching in the narrative were my inner thought about reality of life and his last warning was my conclusion.
Fear is a four letters words which act as a barrier to success. It manifest itself in the mind of individual in various ways such as fear to compete, fear of risk and fall or what I refer to as can I do it syndrome. Life as they say is a race then if it's so why should an individual fear competition? Has he forgotten that he was brought to this beautiful world because he won a race against more than a million soul?
Scientific knowledge affirms that during intimacy, a single ejaculation comprises over six million of sperm cells of which only one out of the cell is needed to fertilize the female ovary. The whole sperm cells went to a frantic race and the cell that fertilized the ovary is a individual living in this beautiful world. Invariably, this means that man was once a winner of a race in a previous life which he had once lived. Competition or race serves as a stepping stone to achieve success and it also increase the speed at which we move in the course of our journey to achieving success. Moreso, many also nurse the fear of risk and fall but not knowing that success is sorrounded by countless risks and numerous falls. Every successful individuals which we look up to today had fallen and taken risks. Had bill gates not taken, would he have become a wealthy programmer?
So, without fall there can never be rise.Life is a battle, obstacles and challenges are the enemies. As long as we are still alive, we are in the battlefield. Will it then be wise for a soldier to keep standing aimlessly when enemies are approaching him? Life is a risk and there will surely exist thousands and series of falls in the course of journey to success. Therefore, whenever there's fall, the fear that'll tie us down not to rise must firstly be won and after all we must rise or else our valuable life will be spent at a spot with no achievement. The downfall of a man is not the end of his life.

[Image source] (https://www.pexels.com/photo/white-horse-kicking-while-man-on-ground-33251/)


Furthermore, procrastination also destroys dream as fear does.


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Procrastination is simply an act of postponing tasks. It's indeed a true dream killer because it undermines aspiration. Procrastination are mostly caused by many factors such as laziness, inefficiency, fear of failure or lack of motivation. It destroys many aspects of individual's life such as academic growth, career progression and a few to mention. Procrastination may also be caused by priotizing frivolities over necessities. A noble individual is he who never postpone today's task till next day. Why postponing you task, why not doing it now. I mean WHY NOT NOW?


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