Dream and its price of fulfillment

The obvious and initial stage of every individual's creation commenced in the womb of a mother. Although, there are many scientific theories or knowledge regarding the ejaculation of sperm and its journey in fertilizing ovaries (egg) during the pre-pregnancy stage.


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The scientific theory of fertilization are not visible to all and therefore it's prone to being accepted or rejected as we view things from different angles thereby creating different perspective about a phenomenal.
Therefore, the journey of sperm cells and it fertilization of ovaries at the pre-pregnancy is not a visible stage of human creation to all but the visible stage tends to be the post-ovary fertilization stage, this is the stage of womb enlargement and the body itself takes a new form.


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During the period of ejaculation and ovary fertilization, the need for a desire and it's fulfillment exists . The fulfillment of the desire of sperm cell that fertilized the ovary is the result of what fertilization produces. This invariably means that man was firstly driven by a desire and he himself is the manifestation and fulfillment of the desire. Life is not permanent has been proclaimed by the wise leads to man's arrival to the beautiful abode known as the universe. At the inception of his arrival to the beautiful world, his livelihood and essence are both unknown to him, he is not driven by his desire rather than the desire of some individual such as guardian. He lacks desire over his want and needs.
As the journey proceeds, his essence started to be known to him.

Man, then transitioned from the stage of living in accordance with life or any individual’s desire to the stage of living in accordance with desire.

The inner-driven desire which reside inside man which allows him to aspire and create imagination in his mind in known as dream which is also refers to as goal but when goals or dreams are realized or fulfilled, that is when success is said to have occurred. The stage of dreaming or setting goals in man is the point at which man has started and truly recognizing his existence on planet earth and a point at which an individual tends to come up with imagination of his life journey and the time at which he decides to trail the journey path he has imaginarily drawn in his mind, the time he ends and starts another level of life journey.

It’s an unarguably fact that every individual on planet earth dreams or sets goal but smaller percentage of goal setters usually make it to the point of being successful and the point of realizing their dreams. This is so because there is a price to be paid for realizing desired goals and dreams but some individual setting goals wants their dreams to be achieved without paying the price of inconveniences and pains thereby forgetting that nothing good comes easy. Most individuals want everything on a platter of gold forgetting the fact that gold itself must be subjected high temperature before it could bring forth its shining, beautiful and its attractive behavior. It could have possessed no value had it been its never passes through high degree temperature. The price to be paid for being successful in realizing dreams are numerous.

The first price of dream fulfillment is that an individual aiming to be successful in achieving his dream must realize and accept the fact success and pain are connected together. The bridge that connect an individual to his desired goal is full of countless and unquantifiable pains, inconveniences and struggling. Dreams are achieved with certain quantity of pain, one who thinks of escaping pain escapes success.


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Furthermore, an individual must also pay the price of discipline to be successful in achieving his or her dream in terms of time management and shunning all forms of distraction. Moreso, for successful realization of dreams to be achieved, the mindset of ‘’can I do it’’ should be fought and conquered. Successful people are those who are fearless trailing their and hopeful of getting it achieved.

The price which is also to the paid for successful realization of goals is the shunning of procrastination. Procrastination draws a soul back from its goal.

Lastly, the mindset of "I hate competition" should be shun as well as the fear of failure and fall. Man himself is a product of competition as science proved that in a single ejaculation millions of sperm cells are in competition and the only one that fertilizes the ovary produces man which means man himself is a born winner. Winner can't be established in the absence of competition, if there's no fall there can never be rise and fail doesn't mean total fall most time it may just mean first attempt in life. These are the prices that fulfillment of dream requires. Plan for it, prepare for it and ready to face it straight. Believe me success is guaranteed


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