Generate yourself an old school Santa


...over there! -->

My humble opinion is that this is art.



People who say things like that are weird. "Humble opinion".


Most likely the person saying that has nothing humble in them.

Humble my ass!


No AI used or any other kind of intelligence, (or perhaps just that, kind of an intelligence) just plain old, stupid, straight forward code, png layers and Insaneworks brain waves, which we know, has no wisdom behind it, in it, on top of it, under it or around it.

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I started writing this and all the ideas I had just POOF vanished and now I'm thinking I have to take a shower, not because I'm dirty, (well I sometimes might be but that has nothing to do with washing... or does it?) but because all my best ideas nowadays come when I'm in the shower and everything I have to say I always have to say when I'm brushing my teeth.

So ideas! Writing ideas!

Let's do it!

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There. Done showering.

And I have no idea what to write about. It's like having no hands. Not that I have any experience how that feels. I can only imagine. But I suspect it's like being an alien and encountering the idea of Christmas for the first time and someone shows a strange cap on your head and it covers your other eye and you have no hands or other skills to remove it so that you could use your two eye stereo vision.

That's how I think it feels like. Pretty accurate don't you think?

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What to write about, what to write about... Christmas, Christmas, Christmas...

I've been writing to my other blog, the place where I write in cipher called Finnish, about the freaking renovation that still is goin on here in our apartment and fixing what was screwed which never seems to end. Although it looks like it might be finally over this week, I'm dreading that it isn't because it's been prolonged so long. A water damage caused by a building contractor that made two floors more few years ago to the apartment and apparently some of their so skilled workers FORGOT TO TIGHTEN FEW SCREWS OR SOMETHING between the old and the new drainage pipe and it has leaked rain water inside the wall since.

I actually don't want to write about it because thinking about the renovation makes me really mad.

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Kitties! I need kitties, you need kitties, we all need kitties.

Purring kitties, silly kitties, cute kitties, relaxing kitties...


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Funny thing, the only idea I had in the shower was that I have to have a plan if the worker that is supposed to fix our wall for good, is a no show in the morning. The person who's supposed to do the final sanding, paint the wall, bring our sliding door back and install new curtain rods and few other things that need to be finalized before I can say that everything the renovation company promised to do, is done.

My plan.

How to be convincing in: "This is volcano Insane and if you won't start doing immediately what you promised, you are going to be sorry because you know what happens when a volcano has too much pressure? Do you want to find out?"

My plan.

Who I'm going to call, what tone of voice I'm going to use, remember to use short sentences and talk slowly so that the renovation company management understands me and remember to give them an ultimatum that clearly defines what happens if they fail to obey me and continue the work that's unfinished. 7 and half months is too long. This is it. Now it ends.

But I wrote that I'm not going to write about it.


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What to write about, what to write about?

I've tried to learn new and old (for me) languages. And since one or two is never enough (twenty-two sounds more like it) I now know bunch of words that I can fluently put together that I mostly have no idea what language that is or what I even managed to say. Neko körer con kolo, mama tam, dove draig a Schwester?


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I gave up with few languages because my brain (sorry, what?) just couldn't handle it. For instance hindi. I simply couldn't hear the difference between kha, cha, ka and ca so I finally gave up. I mean if I pronounce those, they sound really different but the voice in Duolingo: kha, kha, kha, kha. So irritating. So I had to give up with hindi. I learned nothing.

Except that all Finns are wizards, even bears, all Norwegians are vikings, even the bears, Dragons do everything in Wales, Danes have Ida and Hedvig, except it's not pronounced that way, it's pronounced Ida og Heaeigeiagaieigeg, Czech bicycle is kolo which is a hole in Finnish, Polish have no vowels and although the words are really long in French, you don't have to pronounce those, just a couple of vowels and you don't actually have to pronounce those either (but if you have to write the same thing then good luck!) and voilà! Ok that's a crappy example but as I said, I've learned nothing so can't give you a better one.

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I think I should address the most obvious thing but then again perhaps not.

Because oops.

I think Santa is no longer available in my layer art scramble site since it's time for Santa's holidays which is about 363 days a year.

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Something else.

Did you know that when an owl flies it almost makes no sound at all? It's feathers are like that. No sound makers. They can catch mice better when they are so stealth, so stealth. The owl, not the wings. Catch the mice. Because the wings are just designed for flying, not catching. Or was it owls? Hawks? Hawk owls? Eagle owls? I know it isn't pigeons because they hardly need it because I think pigeons don't eat mice. Or if they eat mice, they certainly don't catch them. Or if they do, they must have some hidden talents, huge teeth and sharp nails under all that puffiness. And smoothness. Perhaps they are smooth operators.

Pigeons are suspicious.

And no, I have no pigeons up my sleeve. Although they tell me I'm a wizard. Wizard isn't a magician. Wizard is the real deal and a magician is just hoax.

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Anyway, that's my no idea what I should write about post, I hope you neither had no idea what I wrote so that's a nice equilibrium there about nobody knowing anything or is it nothing or is it whatsoever or perhaps jack shit or whatever and at some point I should stop listing things that might fit here and perhaps have somewhat similar meaning or not because I no longer have the faintest idea what I started to write about so might as well end this here.

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