I am very excited to join this community, Hive.

Very good to all and greetings to this great community, I am very happy to join this platform that I met a short time ago, I am Raismelis Cabello, I am 19 years old. I live in the state of Monagas ( Venezuela ).

I have a beautiful family made up of my beautiful husband ( Carlos Guillermo Mora Aguilera ) and my precious daughter ( Sophia Antonella Mora Cabello ).

Well, now I want to talk about my daughter who is the light of my life, she is a wonderful girl, intelligent despite her young age (9 months) very hyperactive and curious, she loves to explore and is very witty, able to brighten the lives of everyone around her with her beautiful smile and charisma so contagious.

He was born on July 11, 2023 at 03:09 AM, weighing 3kg and it was an unforgettable experience, since he was scheduled to undergo a cesarean section and due to God and destiny he was born earlier by natural childbirth. She was so tiny, soft and was very beautiful from the moment she was born and I thank God for all the experiences that I have had with my daughter and husband.

I continued my presentation by telling you about my husband, Carlos is 23 years old, he is Venezuelan just like me, a very beautiful man, both physically and emotionally, intelligent, very gentlemanly, kind, educated and above all a wonderful father and husband. Since he came into my life he has filled me with happiness and a lot of love, he is without a doubt my perfect man and together with my daughter my best complement. Currently he started working in a company 24*48 so Sophia and I began to devise a business plan to generate income since what my husband earns unfortunately is not enough to support our needs and we decided to start a business selling products that are essential in our country, a plan that we have not been able to start due to a bad economic situation that we are going through, but we have not been able to start due to the bad economic situation we are going through.

I will end my presentation by telling you a little about myself and my goals. I consider myself an intelligent person, kind, gentle, optimistic, with a good heart and above all with a great desire to get ahead with my family. I have many goals to accomplish, one of them is to resume my medical career, graduate and have my own clinic. Another one of them is to start a business with my husband in order to have our own company. And in the family aspect to have our house, car and above all to give our daughter a home where she can grow up full of love and comfort.

My content will be based on my family life, on my day to day being a mom, which is something new to me and I would like to share it through this platform because being a mom is something wonderful but we must emphasize that it is not an easy task and value our mothers a lot because we do not value everything they do for us until we become parents and that is when we begin to value all their effort. And I will also be bringing you any news of our venture. I hope you like my content, I do it with a lot of love hoping to learn a lot from all of you and to reach you through my blog. I hope you liked my presentation and soon I will be back with my content.

I decided to write my presentation in English since most of the people using this platform speak English and also because it is a new challenge for me since I am also learning English.

I want to thank @Aliento because thanks to them I was able to take the initiative to introduce myself to this community since I had no knowledge of how to start and they helped me a lot with their advice.

Thank you for your attention.

This translation was made possible thanks to the deepl.com website and I thank them for their support.

You can visit their website through this link


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