I remember that day, clear as day, as the bus conductor began ordering passengers to remit their fares, while I was going though my school-uniform breast pocket for mine, this young man that sat beside me had said, "don't worry, keep your money. I'll pay for you"


It was a Monday morning and oh, what a delightful way to start the week...lucky!
When I got aboard the bus, the young man has sat next to me and when I greeted him as courtesy demands, he asked what school I was attending. I told him and he said he knew so already but was just making sure. From further dialogue, I'd leam that the school was his alma-mater and he only graduated some three years before. Thinking back now, I think he felt some pride at having to no longer feel like a child who wore school uniform. Maybe he felt like a protective big brother. What he did not know was that, by that act, he had made my day, and by extension, that week colorful. It was the first time that someone whov was mot my parent(s) paid my fare so, how could I forget.

Think of it as one act of kindness so small yet invaluable, that the taste it left in my mouth, I promised myself that I would, when I could, make other younge random kids experience it too. It was too wholesome to not spread that delight amd let some one feel that joy.
That day, the money I should have used for my transportation, I used in getting mathematical set.
Getting home,narrating the turn of event to my parents, they had made positive declaration and prayers to the kind stranger. Imagine!

So getting on this bus today and driver stopped tp pick up three young school children. By all indication, they had planned to carry themselves through the journey since their destination wasn't far off. The flash of time then appeared in my minds eyes and I asked them all to sit and I'll settle the bills. Man, you needed to have seen the look of glee in their faces, especially the face of the youngest amongest them. Smile so bright, they kept saying thank you. While all that appreciation embarrassed me, It made me fulfilled. Moments later, I could hear them talk about the sweet treats they'd get with their transport fare and how they'd divide it amongst themselves. That made me joyous.

They may not all remember that moment, but, naybe, hopefully, just as the stranger had done with me and I with them, one may remember the gesture in time to come and also pay it forward. Cause, as we know, an act of kindness sparks another.


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