Humanity Rising

we are the tribe.jpg

Image by Me/Quotes Creator

Perhaps like me, you’ve been going through an incredible amount of ups & downs for the past couple of years. Especially the past month. I’m getting pretty worn out. How about you? As I started journaling today, I realized something on a deeper level and it turned into a blog post. That’s how writing happens for me. It comes through when it does! So this is how I’m feeling about the times we are in right now.

What I see is a huge desire on behalf of humanity for CHANGE.
WE are doing this!
Nothing is happening TO us.

Although there are definitely nefarious characters in this World who want things a certain way, Humanity as a whole isn't going for it. If we were, there wouldn't be any turmoil. And there is a LOT of resistance happening out there. We are standing up for the World we want to live in. What we choose matters.

Why did we want this change?

  1. Mother earth & her inhabitants have gotten beaten up enough with relentless uncaring.
  2. Too many people & animals have been deeply abused, some pretty dark.
  3. We have had too many wars of death & genocide on behalf of colonization.
  4. The true heart of compassion has turned into a "woo-woo" Hallmark Movie.
  5. Technology has taken the place of real connections in life (not all bad if managed well!)
  6. Our financial system is deeply corrupted.
  7. Our food systems have been infused with poisons for profits.
  8. Our health care industry has turned into a vicious sick care system.

We can't just go along with our daily lives as if nothing is happening and make the same choices that feed any of the above. We MUST do things differently. This is a huge endeavor and each one of us has our part, done in our own individual way.

These are the things I keep in mind in my daily choices:

  • We must genuinely be kinder to each other and remember love is what is real and keeps us alive, inspired & happy inside, using healthy discernment.
  • We must re-evaluate how much time we are online and off. We need to connect more deeply to ourselves, discover who we truly are and what we want in life, and spend time with those we love being with. Even if it's a simple coffee chat or walk in the park.
  • We must learn about the financial industrial complex and open our minds to new ways of doing money. WE control our money if we want to.
  • We must grow our own gardens, use local farmers markets and/or buy organic, whole foods for the well being of our bodies & minds.
  • We must ask questions when confronted with health issues. There are multiple ways to heal that do no harm to the body & mind.
  • Our intuitions are strong. We have our own answers within.

What I see more clearly is how humanity has chosen to do things differently, or we wouldn't be going through all this goo. We are in control. So although it's hard at times, I know I'm not alone. WE are all doing our best, going through this gigantic change together.

WE ARE moving into the World we Dream of.
ONE choice at a time

This is one of my favorite clips that I will listen to when I need a lift. I've always felt there is so much more to being human than we know. And these times are awakening us up to these new realities, one at a time. WE are ready for it. WE have asked for this change. WE are that powerful. The more NEW choices we make, the faster we get there. It's up to US.

By sharing my own stories & experiences, I am here to raise our awareness of what's possible through love & deeper connection with ourselves via intuitive & financial empowerment. It is through my life experiences & Compumatrix that I learned the value of my innate wisdom, my inspirations, time & money, and how important it is that we understand not only why we need to create through love & decentralization, why it matters. Thank you for reading, learning, expanding, participating, and being you. ~ Liza Mae

Here is my “introduction” post from 2016 if you’d like to know how I got here!

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