Sometimes, It's Great to Have Some Me Time!

Sometimes, It's Great to Have Some 'Me Time!'

February 9, 2024

Before anything else, I'd like to say "Happy Chinese New Year!" in advance. I'm not Chinese but this goes to all Chinese and Chinese communities all over the world.

Here in the Philippines, our President declared this day to be an extended holiday. Since the Holiday falls on the weekend (Saturday). Despite this declaration though, we had to spend about three hours in school this morning for the deliberation of grades and honors. A few of our colleagues failed to finish their grades in time so we had to extend a few hours in school today.


That being said, the grades are done, but it doesn't mean our work is done. We still have to prepare for our classes next week and for the upcoming preliminary test scheduled two weeks from now.

Personally, I am still bothered by my growing financial woes. Yes, I am under a bit of stress lately. I could have spent the rest of the day preparing for my classes next week and finding some other means to earn online. Instead, I decided to spend some 'Me Time'.

Afternoon Nap

I rarely get a chance to take an afternoon nap for a long time! I can't even remember when was the last time I had one. Well, maybe I did have some quick cat nap that I did not remember. This afternoon though, I think I slept for about a couple of hours.

Watched a Couple Episodes of 'Lost'

Lost is an old TV show that I loved to watch on AXN back in 2004. Wow! It was twenty years ago, already! Anyway, Lost is a story of survivors of a plane that crashed on a mysterious tropical island.

I remember I watched only 2 out of the 6 seasons. I'm grateful that I can catch up with it now that I can watch it online.

Screenshots of Lost (Episode 2)

Playing Last Day On Earth

I have installed and uninstalled this mobile game several times in the past. Why? It's so addictive for me that once I start playing it, I would spend several hours a day playing it... well 'waste' is a more fitting word than 'spend'.

Screenshot of Last Day on Earth

Last Christmas break though, I decided to install it again and start from scratch. I've been thinking that I can limit the time I would spend on this game. At first, yes, I was able to play no more than an hour a day. However as days went by, I would play several times a day and spend about 15 to 30 minutes at a time. I realized then that I wasted more than three hours a day playing the game. I even played for more than 5 hours in a day.


For the nth time, I thought of uninstalling the game again. Then again, that is not the solution. I have to learn how to control myself. Last week, I was able to limit my game time. I played less than 2 hours a day. On some days, I even played in less than an hour.

Today, I decided to play the game a bit longer. I do stop playing every thirty minutes or so. I just wanted to enjoy myself playing the game today.

It's now 11 in the evening here. I guess I felt great that I had spent some "Me Time" today. Tomorrow, I will focus on my work again. I will also work on my next entry for the Splinterlands Art Contest.

Thanks for reading and have a great weekend!

Post No. 2024-08
Date Posted: February 9, 2024.
All Images used are mine unless otherwise indicated
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