Random Dating Advice


I often hear from people who are frustratingly single or in relationships they are not enjoying. So, in case you want random relationship advice from a stranger, here it is.

You can take this or leave it. Bear in mind that we are each individuals, and, even though I think this is really great advice, it might be completely absurd in your situation or your culture. I don't think any advice is universal. So, if it helps, good, and otherwise, that's alright also.

My advice is: when you are ready, to find someone stable, which will mean they might seem boring at times, but who you like, whose company you enjoy, and whom you are at least slightly attracted to. Build a friendship. Let it slowly, naturally turn into more.

Don't discount the "boring." People like us tend to do that because we are thrill-seeking, assuming you are like that. It's funny because I probably don't seem thrill-seeking. I am not about to go sky diving, but in my own way, I crave excitement at times.

However, healthy partners are like rocks. Stable. There when you need them. Awesome. Yet that might at first seem dull to those of us who seek electric current.

That "electricity" never lasts. Find someone who will love you at your best and your worst. Find someone who can learn to understand you, but who is very, very different from you. Find someone with core values that you hold dear and whom you can trust.

After many years, I finally found someone like that, and it has made all the difference. It might be a little less exciting in the short run, but so much more fulfilling, sane, and amazing in the long run. After all, what you end up with is real.

That is my random romantic advice of the day. (Fine print: I will not be held liable for this advice going horribly wrong. Entertainment purposes only? Ha ha. There's good advice and then there is the implementation of it. I just know this worked out amazingly well for me.)

Much love,


(P.S. Help the Ukraine with Hivebuzz's NFTs for peace if you can. zirochka has published five articles showing how these funds are already being used to help people in need..)

Too many people simply give up too easily. You have to keep the desire to forge ahead, and you have to be able to take the bruises of unsuccess. Success is just one long street fight.

Milton Berle, Comedian

Photo Credit - Love

Photo Credit - Ukrainian Flag - Peace in Ukraine with a free Ukraine soon I hope

Today is Day 15 of HiveBloPoMo. It's not too late to start, my friends! @traciyork/hive-blog-posting-month-aka-hiveblopomo-starts-april-1st-2022

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