How my focus changed with my life


Photo by Ceejay Talam:

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It's been a while since I wrote a #thoughtfuldailypost. The changes in my life however brought me to a point where I must tell you about it. If you told me this will come to be two months ago, I would never have believed you.

I spent the past year without an income or earning far less than what I need to survive. I am had to look toward family to survive. The only problem, I were always helping family and they still needed help.

This was a bad year.

One theme that kept on popping up throughout the year was that your life is a reflection of your thoughts. Your thoughts are not a reflection of your life. Not a very palatable thought at the best. Your life are being created by what you think.

Until that sinks in, you are stuck with the following disaster you call your life.

I don't know if I am alone in this world but understanding that my thoughts shaped my life did not come easy. After a whole year of suffering and saying that I never asked for any of this 8 finally decided to test the theory.

It's not an easy theory to test.

I decided that I should at least try. To change what you think isn't easy but I wasn't going to give up. I am had to find a way.

I started with the things I could not see in my life; faith, hope and love. Nothing seemed to bring me that. I started doing a simple thing. When something happened that upset me or got me angry I would make a small change in my thinking. I would ask myself a question.

How can I deal with this with love?

I would look at my situation and try to figure out how I can change the way I react so that I deal with what is happening with love. Not an easy task but as I continued doing this my life changed.

Everything got worse.

I couldn't just give up. I faught with myself every day to just do one thing. Even as the little income I had disappeared and I dank deaper into a financial mess I still asked the same question.

Then, in amongst the wisdom coming through Facebook reels it finally came to me that I should create a picture of the life I want and start to really believe that I will have it. The question became a double question. How do I deal with this with love and this what I believe?

This slowly moved my focus away from the problems to things I could really be thankfull for. My relationship with my wife became much closer. My financial situation improved to a point where I could breath.

My focus changed and my life changed to be in line with what I am focusing on. Eventually I returned to my faith believing that God looks after me. I don't need to chase after things or money. I only need to love with faith and hope.

It is and will always be true that whatever you focus your thinking on, you'll have more of. Your life are in line with your thinking.

I am forever thankful for a better life.

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