And he dreamed yet another dream, and told it his brethren, and said, Behold, I have dreamed a dream more; and, behold, the sun and the moon and the ELEVEN STARS made obeisance to me.(Gen. 37:9)KJV

Stars are one of the most amazing creations of the almighty God. We are all conversant with the stars that dwells in the sky, those little things that brightens our nights. They are a joy to behold, and may help alleviate the gloom of a sad night. But these beautiful little static lights are nothing to be compared in beauty and importance, with the walking stars. One may then ask, what are these walking stars?


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Many of us may not know that we humans are all created to be stars, and are supposed to walk about and shine in our varying capacities. Most times, we think it’s only the celebrities out there that can be called stars. No! We all are stars in our own ways! There is something in you that your world must see, something to brighten up the dark path of someone else. No one is all together useless. You might not be appreciated by those who are near to you, but someone far away might just be gazing at your beauty and giving the glory to your Maker.

The stars of the sky are so far away from us, and so cannot possibly hear you when you praise them or appreciate their beauty. But one thing they do is this, they keep doing their business every night. Whether they are insulted or praised, they keep shining. They don’t try to impress us, yet many of us are well impressed by them. They never seek our attention, yet, they easily catch it. They never shout, yet they speak a volume and distance has never been a barrier to their service to humanity. Little wonder we chant in songs, “twinkle twinkle little star, how I wonder what you are…”. They are indeed very amazing!

In spite of all these wonderful qualities of the sky stars, we are greater and better than them, because we are humans, the image of the almighty God. We are the living stars, the walking stars, hence, we can do better than them.

Nevertheless, we must be ready to humble ourselves and learn from these little lifeless things. We must learn to serve like them and to shine like them, whether or not we are appreciated. Do what you are created to do, do what you know how to do best, whether you are appreciated or not. Quietly do your business, serve humanity in your own little way, and expect nothing in return.

There’s much more to say about stars, but let us conclude with this: wherever you are, whoever you are, you also are a star. Therefore let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works and glorify your Father which is in heaven. Amen! Remain blessed!

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