Prompt #14 (Thoughtfulness): Appreciation in Life


What does being a thoughtful person mean?
It is being thoughtful of oneself, considering how your actions and words affect other people's feelings.

There are many ways to be thoughtful.

It is either gratitude for giving gifts to other people for certain occasions, like birthdays or Christmas gifts, or even being mindful of your words so that you won't hurt that certain individual's feelings, listening to other people's problems, and offering help, comfort, and compliments.

Even though you are genuine about considering others, there are negative aspects as well. If you think too much, it leads to anxiety, and people take advantage of your kindness whenever you keep on giving things away to offer help, so you need to be balanced on oneself and discern carefully what you think is best for your next action.

I'll give you one of my examples and experiences of thinking too much that led me to anxiety because of a gift.

A few years ago, there was a batchmate in college, and she was not very close to me. She invited me for her debut on her 18th birthday, and I don't know what she likes. Just to be polite, I gave her a large Teddy Bear, and I kept on wondering if she loved it at all since I heard she loved plush toys. I never asked her in the end if she loved it or not because I'm embarrassed.

As you can see, I'm a timid person in real life, and I overthink things sometimes. It is also one of my weaknesses in giving gifts to others.

Great comfort in mind

Even though being thoughtful of others is part of human nature, have you ever thought of a higher being being thoughtful about you?

God is always thinking about us every 24 hours, and he listens to our problems through prayer, giving comfort and advice in bible verses, preachers's sermons, music, or doing His own ways to communicate with us.

He does that because He loves us; nothing can separate us from the love of God (Romans 8:39 NIV).

There is one of the bible verses that I wanted to share to make me through life, and it is one of my comforts too.

Isaiah 41:10

So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.

Starting a new day

Whenever I started a new day, if I was not lazy, the first thing I did was pray, open the Bible, and sometimes praise God through singing Christian songs.

I do such things because I am grateful of being alive for another day, and I appreciated Him for giving me blessings—not only me but my family.

There is a certain song that I wanted to share with you in YouTube. The title of the song is 'What can I do' by Paul Baloche.

Lifting Each Other

There are certain parts of my life when I encouraged my friends through Bible verses because there are a lot of lessons that God wanted to teach us. In return, I gave comfort through sharing, and sometimes the Holy Spirit would lead me.

Even though there are times that I feel drain in life, the funny thing is, God sometimes uses a person to comfort me.

For example, my mother.

Before Sunday, I texted my mom as a reminder if we were going to church tomorrow. She sometimes said yes if she wasn't busy with her schedule.

I wanted my mom to go to Sunday service to spend time with God together.

Even though I don't know about her situations or struggles in life, I thought that the only way to help her was by asking my mom to attend a church meeting.

In my perspective, I saw her heart in the right places, and she sometimes joyfully shared with me briefly how she got related to the preacher's sermon.

One day when I feel like not going to church because of my moody episode, thanks to the time of my month.

My mom noticed that I never texted or told her personally if we were going to church. On Saturday night before midnight struck, my mom invited me through a simple text of, 'Let's go out at 7:30 AM.'

It means that at 7:30 AM, we were going out to go to our usual Sunday service. I was surprised and happy because that's the first time my mom has the heart to attend a church meeting, offering me to go with her.

In the end, I did join with her.

Ending this Blog

Even though I wanted to share more of my thoughts and experiences, it will be endless of my personal stories, but I'm in a time constraint while typing this on my phone. Maybe next time I'll share with you more since I have a lot of opportunities in here.

Anyway, I did have fun writing on this prompt. At first, after reading the prompt, I thought it was hard, wondering how to do this blog, but I took it as a challenge for being a writer.

I'm thankful for the curators and readers for taking your time to read my blog.

I hope that you have a wonderful and blessed day ahead of you.

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