July 5, 1811: Declaration of the independence of Venezuela

Venezuela celebrates today, July 5, the day of the declaration of independence, where a document was drawn up with representation from various provinces become independent to identify us as the crown of Spain.

The Act of Independence of Venezuela is a document drawn up and signed since July 5, 1811, in which representatives of seven of the ten provinces belonging to the Captaincy General of Venezuela in South America, gathered in the Santa Rosa de Lima chapel in the city of Caracas, they declared on July 5 their independence from the Crown of Spain, establishing a new nation based on republican and federal principles, forever abolishing the Monarchy under the values ​​of equality of individuals, freedom of expression and prohibition of censorship. The Declaration is notable for being the first case of a Spanish Colony in America that declares its absolute independence.



It is for this reason that in Venezuela we remember and celebrate this day as a Day of dignity and patriotism since today 209 years of dignity, resistance and homeland rebellion are celebrated, where homage is paid to the greatness and firmness of our liberators who did not hesitate for a second. fight to free these lands from the oppressive chains of colonialism that subjected us for more than 300 years.

All the peoples of the world must be free sovereign and autonomous in their own Republic without subjugation of any colony in order to advance their own projects and decide their own destiny

Venezuela, native land of many of the liberators of America, has been the center of the libertarian deeds, which for good has changed the course of the peoples of Latin America although it is important to remember that man needs God to lead his nations because without God it is impossible to lead any nation well Venezuela is a land of liberators of wrought and noble men and women who fight day by day to undertake their own destinies....

Man has never wanted to be subject to anyone and they are right because God wants us to be subject to norms as a society to live balanced but not to subjugations of abuse or racism He wants us all to live a truly free free life but man really does not discern that freedom because they do not know how to find it because they are imprisoned in their own self.


In this order of ideas as a Christian, I want to emphasize that just as men can fight to make one nation independent from another due to the subjection of another nation on earth, how much more does our God who longs for humanity also to be freed from oppression and the yoke of slavery to which the majority is subjected today because God wants to give us true freedom the...

Every nation needs to make decisions without anyone putting restrictions on its territory, but also man needs to be free and make decisions based on God's cover in order to be able to walk in freedom and not be subject to any yoke of slavery.

Just as Venezuela had a historical liberating hero of nations named Simón Bolivar, Venezuela also has a liberating savior, restorer of souls and eternal life, called Jesus Christ, King of Kings and Lord of Lords to give you true freedom

John 8: 31-36
Then Jesus said to the Jews who had believed in him: If you remain in my word, you are truly my disciples; and you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free. They replied: We are descendants of Abraham and have never been slaves to anyone. How do you say: "You will be free"?



For all men, receiving freedom must remain in the word of God because only in this way will they know the truth and the truth will set them free, because I mean with all this that even if we receive freedom as a nation and if we do not receive it from God, although the historical liberators they have liberated as a country we are not free because we do not know God and we will always be subject to the yoke of slavery of men.


Every people and nation needs God to be able to advance in life and we can be free from any physical situation but we need spiritual freedom in order to live a life full of peace and love

We are a blessed generation that we hope in a perfect God who grants full freedom to all those who seek him from the heart because in him we will only obtain true freedom to be good men and women.


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