The Gift of Christ

Isaiah 9:6; For unto us a child is born and unto us a son is given and his name shall be called wonderful, counselor, the might God, the everlasting father, the Prince of Peace.

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It Christmas again, time for cheer, time to celebrate the birth of Christ, time to celebrate giving and time to celebrate the great gift that was given to human from the father and thus Christ. He came in the flesh that he may experience what we experience, that he may save humanity from itself in the destructive ways we were on. He came that the gap between us and the father that was widening be abridged.

Through him, and in him and with him, salvation cometh, we celebrate the birth of Christ not just we celebrate a birthday but the celebration of life for humanity itself, celebration of salvation that comes from his birth, the celebration of a great sacrifice to come and the celebration of the greatest gift.

And so even as we celebrate this Christmas let's remember the gift of Christ, the purpose of his birth and strive to live a life worthy of his birth that he may be proud of us. Thanks for reading and have a great time.


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