Honor all Men

1 Peter 2:17, Honor all men. Love the brotherhood. Fear God. Honor the King

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As Christians is it pertinent that we Honor all without leaving some out for the Lord we serve is not a discriminatory God. He even takes the stones the builder's reject and makes it the corner stone, he brings honor to whom is rejected by society and redeem those supposedly not redeemable.

Loving your brother and your neighbor is a commandment that we ought to fulfil, do not love the rich and leave the poor, don't love the some and leave others, do not allow worldly wisdom to affect your religious judgement, stick to the instructions in the Holy Book and the directives of the Holy Spirit and greatness will be our portion.

As we get closer to beginning of the end and the end to a new beginning, may we learn to honor all men and respect all equally giving Caesar's to Caesar and promoting the Kingdom of the heavenly. May the Grace of the Lord be with us. Thanks for reading and have wonderful time.


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